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Employment Law

Teach managers how to handle staff returning from injury

Issue: Employees who return from injury leave may or may not be covered under the ADA.
Risk: By treating employees as if they’re “disabled” (even if they’re not), supervisors create …

Using insensitive nicknames can spell bias

Issue: Some supervisors, particularly males, try to bond with employees by giving them nicknames.
Risk: When nicknames are insensitive to a protected class (race, ethnicity, etc.), they could trigger hostile-environment …

Know the 5 ‘musts’ for age-discrimination waivers

Issue: Very precise wording is needed when employees waive their rights to sue for age discrimination.
Risk: Employers often treat age-bias waivers like any other waiver, a critical mistake that …

You can’t ask employees to sign away FMLA rights

Issue: Severance packages usually ask departing employees to waive their rights to file various employment lawsuits.
Risk: If you include FMLA in that mix, you’ll risk having the whole package …

You can track hours for exempt and nonexempt staff


Q. We have mechanics who work on a straight commission basis. Do we need to track their hours? —E.D., Nevada

When must you pay nonexempt employees for travel?

Issue: Many employers are baffled about how to pay nonexempt employees when they travel locally or on overnight trips.
Risk: Mistakes could spark anything from mild complaints to class-action lawsuits, …

Don’t try to muzzle employee gossip

You may not like employees comparing their bonus checks or bad-mouthing their managers in the break room, but don’t even think about trying to silence such off-duty chats. If you do, …

FMLA caregivers must stay close; calls don’t count

While the FMLA allows employees time off to care for a sick spouse, child or parent, such “care” doesn’t have to be physical. FMLA regulations say employees can take FMLA leave …

Watch those nicknames: Turning El-Hakem into ‘Hank’ spells bias

You know that ethnic slurs and name-calling have no place in the workplace. But a new court ruling proves that any kind of ethnic intolerance can be punished.
If supervisors …

Put limits on supervisors’ ‘power-differentiated’ relationships

A new court ruling gives you more reason to consider a “no-dating” rule among your employees or a “no-dating subordinates” rule for your supervisors. At the very least, require supervisors to …