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Employment Law

Pennsylvania Supreme Court to weigh fluctuating workweek OT method

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could affect how employers pay overtime to nonexempt salaried employees in the Commonwealth. At issue is whether employers may use the fluctuating workweek option allowed under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

Report: Glass ceiling holds women back at DOJ

The U.S. Justice Department’s Inspector General has issued a report showing that women are substantially underrepresented in criminal investigative and leadership positions within the Department of Justice.

Good documentation wins discrimination lawsuits

If you have to discharge a difficult employee, be patient—and carefully document everything. You need detailed records showing exactly how the em­­ployee interacted with other workers and why the behavior was unacceptable.

Embarrassing emails could wind up being aired in court

Remind supervisors to choose their words carefully when composing emails. Generally, all forms of communication are fair game for discovery during litigation.

Minor schedule changes can add up to an FMLA interference claim

Employees are entitled to reinstatement to an equivalent position when they return from FMLA leave. Any change to the terms and conditions of employment—even a seemingly minor one—may amount to FMLA interference.

Harassed employee may have legal case even if she ignored internal complaint procedures

If supervisors and managers witness harassment and do nothing, an employee may conclude that the workplace is so permeated with harassment that it would be pointless to complain. That’s particularly true if HR personnel are among the managers apparently ignoring harassment.

EEOC paperwork flaw means Weis Markets won’t be sued

The Weis Markets grocery chain is off the hook for a hostile environment harassment lawsuit because a Cumberland County, Pa. woman who sued mishandled the required EEOC paperwork.

Document mistakes occurring near FMLA leave

Employees are entitled to take FMLA leave for covered serious medical conditions, which means they can’t be punished for taking leave. However, that protection doesn’t give them carte blanche to ignore workplace rules, and it doesn’t mean they can’t be punished for misdeeds that occur during FMLA leave.

Nail down all the details when settling lawsuit

Sometimes, it makes sense to settle a lawsuit instead of pursuing long, drawn-out litigation. But if you do, make sure that the written settlement agreement (and any promises made along the way) is accurate and specific.

FMLA: Firing can easily trigger retaliation suit

Thinking about terminating an employee who is currently out on FMLA leave? Proceed with the greatest of care! If ever there was a “red lights flashing” HR moment, this is it.