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Employment Law

FEMA tries to manage its own emergency

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has concluded an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment and other misconduct by its former head of HR, which FEMA Administrator Brock Long described as “a systemic problem going on for years.”

Jury claps back at age insults, awards millions

If we’re lucky, we’ll all grow old, hopefully with our dignity intact. That may have been on the minds of jurors who just awarded a record-setting sum to a California woman who, after 36 years on the job, was replaced by a much younger man.

‘Right-to-work’ law fails Missouri referendum test

Organized labor got a rare shot in the arm Aug. 7 when Missouri voters rejected a ballot measure that would have implemented a right-to-work law that passed in 2017.

Former Minn. health department official claims retaliation

A former director of the Minnesota health department’s health regulation division has filed a lawsuit claiming she was fired in retaliation for complaining internally about a culture of bullying and intimidation at the department.

OK to fire disabled worker who cannot perform job duties

Sadly, some employee disabilities just can’t be accommodated, which means the employee can be terminated. Just make sure you can back up your contention that there was nothing that could be done to allow the employee to keep working.

Consider hiring outside attorney to conduct investigation into HR harassment

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to reinstate a case involving sexual harassment in which the alleged harasser claimed he was fired because of racial bias.

8th Circuit slaps down DOL in FLSA case

The Department of Labor has suffered a rare rebuke after it tried to press an employer to reveal information that might expand a Fair Labor Standards Act claim to cover related entities.

Is that valid guidance or sex discrimination?

A female employee sued for sex discrimination when she felt that she was told to do her job more like a man.

New tip rules: Prepare for a deep dive into the tip pool

Employers have long been allowed to pay tipped employees less than the usual minimum wage. In some industries, tips have traditionally been pooled, so “back-of-the-house” staff can share in customers’ generosity. But the informality of tipping means it is a surprisingly complicated wage-and-hour issue.

Cuomo orders DHR campaign on pregnancy discrimination

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has directed the state Division of Human Rights to investigate pregnancy discrimination and develop an outreach program to educate both employers and employees.