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Employment Law

Long-Ago acts can show pattern of ongoing harassment


Here’s another reason to tell managers and supervisors that any and all sexual harassment must stop: Even if it has been years since an egregious act of sexual harassment, recent subtler incidents can revive the claim. That’s why it is important to stop harassment in its tracks—and then monitor the situation. You can do that by checking back with the accuser on a regular basis …

E-mails and messages may come back to haunt managers


Increasingly, courts hearing discrimination cases order employers to turn over e-mails and text messages. These communications may include correspondence employees may have sent or received from clients and customers. One reason is that federal court rules on electronic discovery now require employers to retain vast amounts of information for use in litigation …

Use rational business reasons to justify RIF choice


When employees lose their jobs, they naturally wonder why they were chosen. Employees who recently have complained about discrimination—real or imagined—often do more than wonder. They often jump to the conclusion that they have been fired in retaliation for complaining. That conclusion can lead to a lawsuit. Be prepared with solid and rational reasons why you chose the employee who got the ax …

Judge says prison harassment could have been deadly


A lesbian prison guard has been awarded $850,000 after an administrative judge found that she had endured a “relentless, daily regimen of mental and physical threats” by a co-worker at the Wende Correctional Facility in Alden …

Saigon Grill told delivery drivers to hit the road


The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has accused Manhattan’s Saigon Grill restaurants of illegally firing 22 delivery drivers because they requested minimum wage. The workers complained they were paid as little as $120 for a workweek that sometimes reached 75 hours …

Odd workplaces: Trader claims he was forced to take hormones


The EEOC is investigating a lawsuit by a former junior trader at SAC Capital Partners, headquartered in Stamford, CT, claiming his boss forced him to take female hormones and then sexually assaulted him …

$4.3 million to settle Hispanic workers’ discrimination suit


B & H Foto and Electronics Corp., the enormous 9th Avenue photo mecca in Manhattan, will pay $4.3 million to settle a race discrimination lawsuit by the EEOC. The lawsuit alleged B & H paid Hispanic warehouse workers less than others …

Morgan Stanley out $46 million to top female advisors


A federal judge has approved a settlement by Wall Street financial services firm Morgan Stanley to end a sex discrimination suit. A class of 3,000 current and former female employees of the firm will share $46 million …

Greengrocer to pay $675,000 to underpaid workers


Rossman Fruit and Vegetable, a Brooklyn discount greengrocer, agreed to pay $675,000 in back wages to 222 employees to settle a U.S. Labor Department lawsuit. The settlement covers payments below minimum wage and unpaid time-and-a-half for overtime hours from 2001 to 2005 …

How to develop an employee handbook that avoids liability


With employment litigation rising steadily, the employee handbook has become an essential tool in the employer’s arsenal to defend against liability for employment decisions. A good handbook tells employees what the rules are and how they will be enforced …