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Employment Law

Does sexual harassment lurk in e-Mail? Can you disprove it?


In the age of e-mail, instant messaging and other written but ephemeral forms of communication, it’s easy to be caught off guard when an employee claims sexual harassment via the company computers. If an employee says she’s received hundreds of sexually explicit e-mails from co-workers or others associated with the company, could you prove her wrong? …

FLSA—Not state law—Provides remedy for W&H violations


Lawyers representing employees in class-action wage-and-hour cases often look for ways to boost the amount of damages they can collect. One of the most common ways to do that: Bring in a host of state laws to set the employer’s punishment. That won’t work any longer in North Carolina and other Mid-Atlantic states. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected the tactic …

Worker’s criminal past won’t immediately get discrimination case tossed


When an employee sues you for employment discrimination, it’s natural to want to learn more about the person suing you and whether he may have sued others. That information is readily available. But don’t expect that even a fraud conviction related to false employment claims will get the case tossed out …

Check yourself: Can you show equal treatment at discipline time?


There’s an easy way to avoid losing a discrimination lawsuit stemming from disciplining an employee who breaks company rules: Make absolutely certain you discipline fairly and evenhandedly, meting out punishment regardless of race, sex, nationality or other protected characteristics. Conduct regular audits of all disciplinary actions to make certain no one gets a free pass …

Class-Action status granted for disgruntled immigrant workers


A Mexican woman has been granted permission to serve as the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit against a company that recruits and places temporary agricultural workers on farms and other agricultural operations in North Carolina and other states. The woman claims that International Labor Management Corporation purposely placed women in less lucrative temporary visa programs than men …

More bad noose at NC State


A noose made of toilet paper was found in a restroom stall in a maintenance building at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. An employee discovered the 10-inch noose hanging from a stall door in the Sullivan Shops building, which is used primarily by staff …

Liability for the negligence of others: a new standard?


Employers often ask: “Will I be liable if one of my independent contractors injures someone?” The short answer is, “It depends.” A recent case from the North Carolina Court of Appeals adds new considerations to the long answer …

Must we allow employee smoking breaks?


Q. We have a number of employees who smoke cigarettes and want to take breaks in order to light up. Is an employee entitled to smoking breaks during the workday? …

Can disclaimers keep handbooks from becoming employment contracts?


Q. Are disclaimers in employee handbooks valid in North Carolina? …

FMLA leave for small employers


Q. If an employer is not covered by the FMLA, is the employee entitled to leave time for the birth of a child, the employee’s serious medical condition or the serious medical condition of a family member? …