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Employment Law

Must we offer time off as an ADA accommodation?


Q. We employ fewer than 50 employees. What’s our obligation under the FMLA or the ADA to bring back an employee who has missed lots of work? We want to lay her off. Can we?

You don’t have to pay for all employee training


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to compensate employees for any time spent on the job that benefits the employer. There are, however, some exceptions. For example, if employees use their own time to study materials that will qualify them for promotions, that time generally doesn’t have to be paid.

Progressive discipline among best ways to beat bias claims

There’s no law that says employers must use a progressive discipline system—but that’s no reason not to. In fact, using progressive discipline is one of the best ways to fight frivolous discrimination claims …

Justify decisions to thwart retaliation bait & switch

One of the most popular litigation tactics these days starts with an employee filing a discrimination complaint. Then the employee—and her attorneys—sit back and wait to see what happens. If the employer somehow punishes the employee, the attorneys add a second count to the lawsuit: retaliation …

Pressure to ‘Balance’ staff may show reverse discrimination

Are you under pressure to make your work force better reflect the racial or ethnic composition of the surrounding community? If so, be aware that manipulating hiring or promotions to achieve that goal at the expense of any particular race may mean a reverse discrimination lawsuit …

Punish offenders to set example that prevents harassment

When you learn that a supervisor has sexually harassed and punished—or threatened to punish—a subordinate to gain cooperation or for rejecting an advance, send a strong message to all managers and supervisors. Promptly fire the harasser or demote him—or her—out of a supervisory position. Then reinstate the harassed employee …

Are you ready to explain each and every promotion decision?

Lawsuits sometimes seem to come out of nowhere. While you can reduce your risk through prevention, you can’t eliminate it entirely. That’s why you need a backup strategy. For failure-to-promote lawsuits, that strategy should involve being ready to explain each and every promotion decision with solid business reasons …

Remind managers and supervisors: No snide comments on disability allowed

It takes just one unkind comment about an employee’s alleged disability to send an ADA case to trial. What’s more, even if the employee couldn’t otherwise prove she’s disabled, a malicious comment may be enough to convince the court that the employer regarded the employee as disabled. That’s an ADA violation all by itself …

House passes bill allowing guns in workplace parking lots

The Florida House of Representatives passed a bill prohibiting employers from banning guns from their properties. HB 503 guarantees employees the right to keep legally owned guns locked inside their cars as long as they have permits to carry concealed weapons …

HSN hit with discrimination suit

A former employee of St. Petersburg-based Home Shopping Network (HSN) has filed suit against the company, alleging race discrimination. Armanda Vernon claims HSN passed her over repeatedly for promotions because she is black …