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Employment Law

FMLA entitles you to request proof worker’s parent has serious health condition

Do you routinely accept employees’ claims they need FMLA time off to care for an elderly parent? If so, consider a new policy. While it may be easier to approve leave than to challenge it, blanket approvals may prove costly in the long run as more and more “sandwich generation” employees find themselves having to care for both their children and their elderly parents …

Good faith is the key to litigation-Proof employment decisions

Employment decisions don’t have to be perfect—they just have to be based on good faith. That’s good news because it’s a fact that supervisors and managers will make mistakes. What that means: Just because an employee can prove management did something wrong doesn’t guarantee she will win a lawsuit …

Home Depot beats harassment, retaliation charges

A federal judge in Alabama has dismissed most of the sexual harassment and retaliation charges filed by two former employees against The Home Depot Inc. David Corbitt and Alexander Raya, both long-term employees of the Atlanta-based retailer who rose to store manager positions, alleged that regional HR Manager Leonard Cavaluzzi sexually harassed them in 2005 …

Rep. Lewis, Capitol Hill staffer settle discrimination suit

U.S. Rep. John Lewis, of Georgia’s 5th Congressional District, has settled a discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee who claimed she was passed over for a promotion because she is a black woman …

Employer may be liable when employee attacks

Sometimes an employee gets into an argument with a customer, and what began as a war of words turns into actual violence. When that happens, the employer may be on the hook for damages. Under the right conditions—or more precisely, the wrong ones—the employer may be liable for physical altercations its employee may engage in while working …

Association discrimination covers friends, not just family

California law and the ADA protect just about anyone who “associates” with a disabled person from discrimination. It doesn’t have to be a child, spouse or blood relative. The California Fair Employment and Housing Act and the Unruh Act both protect those who count disabled persons as friends …

Lack of female supervisors a red flag for discrimination

Have you taken a good look at who fills supervisory roles at your workplace? If not, you should. Having very few female supervisors may spell trouble. Having none is like carrying a sign that reads, “Sue me now!” Employees suing for sex discrimination could point to the lack of female supervisors as evidence supporting their claims …

Warn managers: They may be personally liable for discrimination

If you have trouble persuading managers that they cannot discriminate or harass, here’s ammunition. Tell them that if they participate in any form of discrimination or harassment, it’s their assets on the line. An employee can sue them directly, and they may have to pay damages out of their own bank accounts …

When the lawsuit is frivolous, employee may have to pay employer’s attorneys’ fees

Here’s some good news from the litigation front. In some cases, employees who file frivolous discrimination lawsuits may actually end up reaching into their own wallets—to pay their employers’ legal fees …

Good ol’ boy network could cost you millions

Is there’s a “good ol’ boy” network growing in your organization? If promotions and raises tend to go just to employees who win management’s favor—and not to those who perform, regardless of race or gender—you could easily find yourself on the losing end of a big lawsuit. How big? Try $24 million!