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Employment Law

Salary reductions and exempt status

Q. We are considering reducing salaries across the board because of a slowdown in business. Will reducing the salary of exempt employees jeopardize their exempt status? …

Unpaid time off and exempt employees

Q. Some of our exempt salaried employees are requesting time off without pay. Can we do this without jeopardizing their exempt status? …

FMLA leave when a military spouse returns from active duty

Q. An employee reported that her husband, who is a soldier, is returning (safe and sound) from active duty. She wants to take off a month to be with him after being apart for so long. Is this FMLA leave? …

How many kinds of harassment policies do we need?

Q. We have a sexual harassment policy. Is that enough? …

Terminations: 6 steps to ensure firing won’t backfire

In most states, workers are employed on an “at will” basis, meaning they can leave the company at any time. Conversely, employers typically retain the right to terminate workers at any time for any legal, nondiscriminatory reason. Courts continue to chip away at the at-will doctrine, providing less flexibility to employers. This has led to an increase in wrongful discharge lawsuits …

Demanding coffee may be gauche, but is it harassment?

Maybe she was a bit of a drip, but one employee got in such a froth about her bosses’ demands for coffee service that she sued. Did she really have grounds to bring a harassment and retaliation lawsuit? Did her employer wind up in hot water?

HR Specialist Editors Bring You the Best from SHRM Chicago

For a week each year, the Society for Human Resource Management’s Annual Conference becomes the center of the HR world. HR Specialist editors have joined 13,000 of our peers in Chicago this week for four days of professional development covering HR’s hottest topics and presented by the profession’s  leading experts. Here’s some of the best from the world’s biggest HR conference.

What managers need to know about age discrimination

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Writing reviews: Steer clear of two common errors

Login Email Address Password I forgot my password To continue reading this page, become an HR Specialist Premium Plus member today! Your subscription includes: Ask the Attorney: Answers to your HR legal questions Compliance Guidance: Access to 7,000 HR news articles, updated daily, sorted by state State-by-State: Summaries of HR laws in all 50 states […]

Providing extra leave after FMLA? You can set the rules

If your organization is generous about extending leave beyond the 12 weeks of unpaid time off the FMLA mandates, take heart. You can and should set whatever requirements you deem reasonable for taking that extra leave. The best part: According to a recent 11th Circuit decision, you don’t have to abide by the FMLA’s reinstatement rules if employees have already used up their protected FMLA leave …