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Employment Law

Assign HR staffer to monitor and update employees’ ADA accommodations


Don’t think it’s the end of the story once you have offered an ADA accommodation to a disabled employee and put it in place. Disabilities change, equipment fails and technology improves, making the accommodations process a continual one. Here’s what you risk if you make an accommodation and walk away without ensuring the accommodation actually works.

Set up employee complaint hotline to flag managerial abuses—and stop lawsuits


All too often, low-level managers and supervisors cause misunderstandings that could have been avoided. Of course, training on company processes, anti-discrimination or anti-harassment policies and so forth can prevent many workplace problems. As a backup plan, make sure you have a way for employees to quickly notify HR about any problems.

Use promotion panel to ensure one manager’s bias doesn’t taint entire process


Sometimes, a supervisor or manager may favor a subordinate for a promotion because he shares some other relationship that has nothing to do with work. That doesn’t always mean there’s discrimination going on. Protect your organization by using a promotion panel to score and interview candidates. That way, you can root out any favoritism that could affect the promotions process.

Transfer—without penalty—won’t make a retaliation suit


An employee who files a discrimination complaint is protected from retaliation. But that doesn’t mean employers can’t make everyday moves—such as transferring someone who once complained of bias—without risking a lawsuit.

Firing? Keep all communications between employee and boss


Employees who have been terminated often claim they suffered some form of discrimination or harassment. That’s one good reason to tell managers and supervisors they need to keep each and every piece of paper, phone message and e-mail that led up to the firing.

Study cites Illinois as a hotbed of wage-and-hour claims


A recent report offers some ominous news for Illinois employers. Illinois is one of eight states that saw an increase in class-action wage-and-hour cases filed in state court last year, according to the Seyfarth Shaw law firm’s new Workplace Class Action Litigation Report.

DOL: TMG National Holdings held onto too much


The U.S. Department of Labor has filed suit against TMG National Holdings, a real estate development company based in Chicago, alleging it diverted funds intended for employee retirement benefits.

Movie production companies wrap up PDA suit for $75,000


Two production companies for Will Ferrell’s movie Stranger than Fiction will pay a rejected job applicant who was pregnant $75,000 to compensate her for discrimination.

Social Security disability doesn’t mean no accommodations


A federal court has sided with the EEOC in a disability discrimination case involving the Macomb store of auto parts retailer AutoZone. The case involved a store manager, John Shepherd, who suffered from back and neck injuries that limited his ability to lift or rotate his upper body.

Your FMLA obligation ends with forms and notice


Employers have to let their employees know about the FMLA so they can take advantage of the leave guaranteed by the law. But if an employee doesn’t take advantage of his FMLA rights, the employer can’t be held liable for not providing leave even if it turns out the employee was eligible.