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Employment Law

IRS challenging med student classification in court


If you work for an educational institution whose students provide services while learning, prepare to change your payroll systems. Depending how a court rules, you may have to end the practice of paying student stipends as a way of avoiding collection and payment of Social Security and other payroll taxes.

When employees leave, so does company data


More than half of employees who lost or left their jobs in 2008 took company data with them, according to a study conducted by Ponemon Institute and cyber-security software maker Symantec. A shocking 59% of respondents claimed they had copied or e-mailed company data.

Prepare for Michigan’s new workplace ergonomic standards


The Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth is one step closer to implementing workplace ergonomic standards that will apply to most businesses in the state. Most Michigan employers should plan now to comply. Only agriculture, construction, mining and domestic workers would be exempt from the new rules.

Employer can check employee cell phone records


Patrick Morrissey worked for Steelcase Inc., which provided him with two cell phones, one for business and another for personal use. Both billing statements were sent to his boss, Brent Golembieski, because Steelcase paid both bills …

Long-time Caterpillar workers lose retiree medical benefits


In its 1998 collective-bargaining agreement, Caterpillar promised to provide retiree health benefits to its workers at no cost to them. By 2005, Caterpillar recognized it could no longer provide the health benefits without the retirees chipping in. When labor and management sat down at the table to hammer out a new agreement, retiree health costs was one of the sticking points …

Can I demand reimbursement of training costs?


Q. I am a small employer. I invested a lot of money and time training a certain employee who just quit less than a year after I hired him. In the future, I would like to have all my employees sign an agreement stating that if they quit within a year, they will repay me at a rate of, say, $200 a month for the money I spent training them. Would this be OK?

Must we pay the union bargaining committee while we’re negotiating our next contract?


Q. We are about to enter contract negotiations. In the past, we have always paid the members of the union bargaining committee for time spent in negotiations. However, we don’t have a contract provision addressing the issue. Are we required to pay union members for time spent in negotiations?

What’s scope of sexual harassment investigation?


Q. We are looking into an allegation of sexual harassment. According to the alleged victim, after she came forward, other employees began telling her they had similar problems with the alleged harasser. None of those incidents was ever reported. Must we expand our investigation to include the unreported incidents? Where do we draw the line?

Documentation key to stopping that 2nd suit!


Congratulations! You’ve settled a case. Now make sure the same employee doesn’t sue you again. Remind managers and supervisors to treat the employee exactly like they treat all other employees in the same position.

Are telecommuters part of FMLA head count?


Employees are eligible for FMLA benefits if they have worked for their employer for a total of one year and at least 1,250 hours in the last 12 months. The criteria don’t stop there. Employers must comply with the FMLA if they employ 50 or more workers within 75 miles of the employee’s workplace. But what if some of those employees work out of their homes?