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Labor Relations / Unions

Organized labor at your doorstep? Don’t grill employees about their union support


Unions are flourishing during the current economic crisis, slowly emerging after decades of decline. Chances are, more and more of your employees are being courted by unions, whether your organization is currently a union workplace or not. Now’s the time to educate yourself on what you can and cannot do to discourage union membership.

Charitable donation OK in lieu of union dues


Some employees’ religious beliefs forbid them to belong to labor unions. Because, like employers, unions may not discriminate on the basis of religion, they must make reasonable accommodations for employees who object to any of their pay going to the union.

Dayton gets unlikely help from union when courts try to force settlement


Sometimes, the HR business makes for strange bedfellows. Consider what happened in one recent case when the U.S. Department of Justice sued the city of Dayton, claiming its rules for hiring police officers and firefighters unfairly screened out black candidates. The police and firefighters union stepped in to intervene in the litigation.

Government employers can limit when employees take flextime


Some government employers let employees arrange their schedules to allow flexible hours. Changing those terms in a union environment may be an unfair labor practice. However, in one recent case, an Ohio appeals court upheld such a change because the union contract didn’t address the practice.

Chrysler prepares for recovery by offering worker buyouts


The cost of retirement benefits are one of the flies in the ointment of Chrysler’s plan to close eight plants—including its Twinsburg, Ohio, stamping facility. To help cut long-term expenses, the bankrupt company plans to offer lump-sum buyout payments to some members of the United Auto Workers.

Use TEAM approach to stay union-free in a union-friendly world


By now, nearly everyone in HR has heard of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), under which unions would have a much easier time becoming certified. Because unions have become more aggressive and more successful at unionization even without the EFCA, I recommend that employers adopt the TEAM approach to keeping their workplaces union-free.

Looking for work? NLRB has openings


Cushy government jobs, but a lot of headaches await the successful applicants for two key government jobs. Years of political infighting may be coming to an end soon, as President Obama has sent two names to Congress for confirmation to become members of the National Labor Relations Board.

Federal employment bias claims may be subject to grievance arbitration


On April 1, the U.S. Supreme Court held that arbitration provisions in collective-bargaining agreements that clearly and unmistakably require arbitration of Age Discrimination in Employment (ADEA) claims are enforceable.

What is the Employee Free Choice Act?


Q. Can you give me a rundown on the “card check” law everyone is so afraid will transform labor-management relations?

Employers: ‘Keep Out!’ Beware intruding in employee web sites


It’s becoming a common problem: An employer discovers disparaging comments on an employee’s Facebook, MySpace or personal blog. Maybe a post reveals internal company information. Can the employer take disciplinary action? A series of new laws and evolving legal doctrines have placed limits on how far an employer can encroach on the private and off-site activities of its employees.