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Labor Relations / Unions

Prepare for OSHA visit when labor’s unhappy

Pay extra attention to safety when your company is going through labor unrest. Reason: A new study shows that the likelihood of a federal safety inspection …

New union threat: NLRB makes it easier for temps to join

If you thought contracting for temporary and contingent workers would save you headaches, you may be reaching for the aspirin again. Temps used to need permission …

Let employee bring co-worker to inquiry meeting

If one of your employees wants to bring a co-worker along to an investigative meeting that could result in discipline, you’d better let him. Union employees …

Be wary of firing employees for aggressive union organizing

John Ramirez’s union asked him to apply for a welder’s job to help organize the workers. He got the job and quickly started rallying support for a union bid. But …

Don’t ban employees from discussing a co-worker’s health

Jolene Conn, a security guard at Lockheed Martin Astronautics, developed a medical condition that made it hard to carry a gun …

Review pay equality; Clinton proposal will raise awareness

While Congress isn’t likely to give President Clinton the extra $27 million he wants to strengthen equal-pay enforcement, that doesn’t mean you should forget …

What not to ask job references


Q. Are there any questions we cannot or should not ask a reference when screening applicants? —B.B., Louisiana

Transfer may not trigger clock on discrimination, retaliation claims

Frank Dorsey’s transfer from flight training supervisor to assistant chief pilot was the first step in a United Parcel Service (UPS) plan “to deliver the ‘coup de gr ^ace’ to his …