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Double wages due for ignoring FLSA pay rules

When the Department of Labor catches employers underpaying employees in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the penalty is to pay the amount owed—and then double it. If the underpaid employee hired an attorney to plead her case, then the employer may end up paying those legal fees, too.

DOL rescinds 2 Trump-era wage-and-hour rules

The Department of Labor moved March 11 to rescind two rules finalized by the Trump administration that the DOL now says significantly weaken protections afforded to workers by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Fix common pay errors before DOL investigates

Managing restaurant employees isn’t easy. And unless HR provides frequent and accurate guidance, front-line managers may be tempted to devise their own questionable methods for simplifying scheduling and paying staff. Don’t let that happen.

Are unpaid internships a thing of the past?

In a new LiveCareer survey of 1,000 workers who’ve had internships, more than three quarters (77%) said they were paid for their work.

Hold off turning remote staff into contractors

As a potential cost-saving measure, some employers have begun contemplating converting remote employees to independent contractor status. Not so fast!

DOL ends PAID program, which granted employers FLSA amnesty

Launched in 2018, PAID let employers self-report federal minimum-wage and overtime violations under the Fair Labor Standards Act to avoid litigation, penalties or damages.

DOL adjusts penalties for 2021

The Department of Labor has announced the 2021 inflation adjustments to penalties for employers that violate of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the FMLA and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

Workers might soon find it harder to file class actions

It just became a lot harder to certify a class for a Fair Labor Standards Act lawsuit—at least in states covered by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

DOL opinion letter tackles travel time in the telework era

Employees who work from home for part of the day and take time off to attend to personal affairs don’t have to be paid for the time spent traveling to and from their errands, according to new Department of Labor guidance. Opinion letter FLSA2020-19 addresses two different scenarios on travel time and telework.

New independent contractor rule soon to be moot

On Jan. 6, the Department of Labor issued its long-awaited final rule revising the test to determine who can be classified as an independent contractor. The rule, as written, is unlikely to go into effect as scheduled on March 8.