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Discrimination / Harassment

HR department party to racial slurs, DOJ lawsuit contends

When an African American employee subjected to a racial slur complained to the HR department, he and a fellow employee were allegedly targeted with additional harassment and then fired, according to a DOJ lawsuit filed in October against Bartow County, Ga.

Boorish behavior or harassment? Know the difference

Not every crude comment or poorly received joke amounts to sexual harassment. An older federal appeals court decision overturning a sexual harassment jury award offers tips on what qualifies as illegal sexual harassment and where to draw the line.

No go: Attempts to blame sexual harassment on plaintiff backfire

One of our primary roles as attorneys is to protect our clients from their worse instincts, like this one: “Let’s file a motion to require a sexual harassment plaintiff to submit to a psychosexual examination.” Umm, no.

EEOC sues Red Robin for sexual harassment and retaliation

Red Robin International, Inc. violated federal law when it allowed a male line cook to sexually harass female employees despite repeated notice of such unlawful behavior and retaliated against them for complaining.

Creating a diverse workplace: Erase the fear

Creating a diverse workplace re­­mains a top goal for many em­­ployers. But organizations also wonder if those efforts may include unintended consequences like reverse discrimination or other lawsuits.

Global gender gap persists

According to the 2022 World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report, at this rate, it will take 132 years to achieve gender parity.

Office romance and harassment, remotely

A survey focusing on sexual harassment in the workplace revealed that a whopping 77% of 1,656 respondents had a sexual or romantic relationship with a co-worker at some point.

Reminder: Avoid ageist preference talk

Rejected or terminated older employees who sue under the ADEA often try to prove age discrimination by offering as evidence management comments with an ageist bent. For example, a CEO who speaks publicly about a preference for youthful applicants or refers to employees as “old timers” or “dinosaurs” may provide the proof a fired older worker needs to win their case.

Replace supervisor to prevent retaliation

You can stop a harassment case from escalating into a retaliation lawsuit with one simple tactic. Replace the supervisor who allegedly harassed the complaining subordinate and don’t let him or her know anything about the prior complaint.

How not to respond to coming out

After the Supreme Court’s 2020 decision that transgender discrimination and harassment amount to illegal sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers should have implemented workplace rules that make it clear that employees coming out as transgender should not be harassed or discriminated against.