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Discrimination / Harassment

Diapers and spankings: equal opportunity humiliation or sexual harassment?


You may remember a case that garnered lots of publicity a few years ago. A saleswoman claimed that her employer’s team-building activities were really a form of sexual harassment. A jury agreed, giving her $1.4 million in damages for having to endure public spanking and other indignities. Now the employer will get another shot at the case in front of a new jury …

No need to accommodate Rx marijuana use

The California Supreme Court has ruled that an employer doesn’t have to accommodate an employee’s marijuana use even though he had a valid prescription. Employers can and should continue to use post-offer, pre-employment drug tests if having a work force free of impairment is an important safety consideration …

Hiring tests must reflect true work conditions

Women accounted for half of new hires at an Iowa meatpacker until the company instituted a new pre-hire lifting test. Then the percentage of women fell to 15%.

Illegal status doesn’t stop job-Bias suit

 Maria Pineda worked for Bath Unlimited although she didn’t have legal work papers. Two weeks after Pineda divulged her pregnancy, Bath fired her. A court ordered a jury trial, which will focus on pregnancy bias, not her illegal status …

Clerk wins more than $350,000 in disability discrimination suit

A San Francisco County jury has awarded $353,680 in damages to a data entry clerk who suffered from a chronic condition that often left her with cracked and bleeding skin …

Are there California laws analogous to the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act?

Q. I know that as an employer, I have to abide by GINA and not discriminate based on genetic information. But are there any state statutes addressing this matter?

Ensure your harassment policy includes requirement to promptly report violations

Does your company’s sexual harassment policy include a provision that tells employees they must promptly report alleged sexual harassment? If it doesn’t, consider adding such a clause. The wording may help if an employee waits to report that her supervisor was allegedly harassing her …

Making exceptions to the rule can turn the exception into the rule

Organizations create rules for a reason—mainly to ensure order and fairness. So when a manager or supervisor bends the rules just for some people, he or she may be setting up the organization for a lawsuit. Essentially, the exceptions become the rule, and employees who don’t benefit may sue, alleging discrimination based on a protected characteristic …

Cobb megachurch leader surrenders to authorities

Archbishop Earl Paulk, longtime pastor of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit at Chapel Hill Harvester Church, in January pleaded guilty to felony perjury in a case that stems from a lawsuit by a former church employee, who alleged the minister manipulated her into an affair …

Must employees receive a warning before termination?


If employees are at-will workers, you can fire them for any reason or no reason at all, as long as it’s not discriminatory. But, as a new ruling shows, supervisors should resist that quick-trigger urge if that employee recently voiced a discrimination complaint …