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Discrimination / Harassment

Maybe a rubber band would be better than a giant hat after all


The EEOC has sued the Grand Central Partnership—the business-improvement district association for Midtown Manhattan—claiming it refused to accommodate four security guards who wear dreadlocks as required by their Rastafarian religious beliefs …

Act fast, train when sexual harassment complaints arise


It takes more than a written policy to avoid liability for sexual harassment. But if you back up your policy with regular training and reminders and quickly fix any harassment problems that come to your attention, chances are you won’t be liable unless the harasser was a supervisor and the employee suffered an adverse employment action …

Lawsuit brewing? Think twice before destroying documents


When discrimination charges go to court, both sides are entitled to copies of all relevant evidence. That includes memos, notes and e-mail (with some exceptions for confidential, trade secret or attorney-client privileged communications). Don’t think you’ll be able to avoid liability by getting rid of some documents …

Good news: EEPA does not include retaliation claims


North Carolina employers have one less thing to worry about: A federal trial court recently decided the North Carolina Equal Employment Practices Act (EEPA) does not allow employees to file separate retaliation claims on top of initial discrimination complaints …

Take steps to stop pervasive anti-female attitudes, practices


When you think of a sexually hostile work environment, the scenario usually involves crude sex talk, bawdy photos and other prurient activities. But those aren’t the only markers of a hostile environment. In fact, a pervasive anti-female attitude that has nothing to do with sex can lead to a lawsuit, too …

Ban obviously racist comments, or prepare to face EEOC discrimination lawsuit


Some talk doesn’t belong at work. Period. If you don’t ban racist comments, you’ll probably face an EEOC lawsuit …

Lukewarm response to racism leads to walkout


Eighteen workers filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) against retail hardware supplier Crown Bolt in August to protest racist graffiti in the Carlisle warehouse where they worked …

Can we require male employees to keep their hair cut short?


Q. May we require male employees’ hair be a certain length, or is that discrimination? Also, may we prohibit beards? …

Give managers a 3-phrase script to respond to harassment complaints


When one of your employees confides in her manager that she’s being harassed by a co-worker, what will that manager say? Hopefully, it’ll be something more constructive than “Go along with it."

Is it permissible to ask women about gaps in their employment histories?


Q. Can we ask female applicants about lengthy gaps in their employment histories? I’m afraid that doing so might make it look as though we are digging into personal or family issues that could lead to a claim of gender bias …