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Discrimination / Harassment

Justify why similar work warrants different pay


If some of your employees perform similar jobs under different pay structures, make sure you can justify the differences with good, solid reasons that will stand up to a side-by-side comparison. Otherwise, one of your lower-paid workers may sue you for discrimination.

Federal contractors: Heed the government’s new test for pay discrimination


If your organization benefits from federal contractors, familiarize yourself with the new “tipping point test” of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) …

Nix the nicknames or ‘Grandma’ will get even


Every workplace has managers who love to hand out nicknames to employees and co-workers. It’s all good fun until an employee in a protected class—age, sex, race, religion, disability, etc.—takes offense …

Firing a ‘That’s not in my job description’ complainer


Q. The owner of our company recently fired an employee who refused to run a business-related errand. The employee said running errands wasn’t in his job description. Can he sue us for wrongful termination? …

Connecticut becomes third state to recognize same-sex marriages


By one vote, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that the state’s law requiring same-sex couples to enter into civil unions rather than marriages was unconstitutional. Connecticut now becomes the third state—after Massachusetts and California—to recognize same-sex marriages. Connecticut employers must now alter their employment policies and benefits to match the patchwork of federal and state laws that this decision creates.

Workers committed same offense? Be sure to document why one got harsher penalty


It’s critical for HR to back up every disciplinary decision with complete records showing exactly why an employee deserved his punishment. If a fired employee broke the same rule another employee did, those records better show you punished them equally—or explain why the punishment was different …

Retain right to nix discipline that might be retaliation


Employees don’t have to win their discrimination claims to charge retaliation. That’s why it’s important for HR to stay on top of any disciplinary action aimed at an employee who has already complained about discrimination …

Phone propositions yield no sex — and a lost job


Michael Silvey, property management coordinator for the Department of Public Works in Hernando County, was fired for phoning and asking for sex from two women he formerly worked with at the Southwest Florida Water Management District …

NLRB says NSU bullied janitors


The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued a complaint against Nova Southeastern University (NSU), claiming the university coerced and threatened cleaning workers who tried to join the Service Employees International Union …

Firing OK if employee falsely claims harassment


Not every sexual harassment complaint is legitimate. A thorough investigation may wind up showing that one of the parties is lying. Can you fire the presumed liar if he or she brought the complaint in the first place? The answer is a qualified “yes” …