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Discrimination / Harassment

Treat all pregnant employees equally, regardless of race or ethnicity


Attorneys seem intent on finding some form of discrimination in every adverse employment decision—and courts seem increasingly inclined to go along. Consider this recent case, in which a pregnant black employee won the right to a jury trial on race and national-origin discrimination based on the allegation that a white pregnant employee was treated better.

Justify why some got training, while others didn’t


Training opportunities at work must be available to all employees regardless of race, ethnicity, religion and so forth. That doesn’t mean, however, that everyone who wants to take a particular training course must get the opportunity. Employers can base training opportunities on the critical need for some employees to get the training.

How you can be sued for bias even if you don’t discriminate


A New York City broker of apartment rentals and sales may face legal liability for alleged age bias—not because it discriminated, but because its independent contractor did. It’s a cautionary tale for any organization that outsources hiring.

The New York State Labor law amendments you need to know


Despite a summer of political circus distractions in Albany, the New York Legislature continued to crank out laws that further regulate New York employers. Here are some recent changes to New York State laws that you need to take into consideration.

How to prove work environment isn’t hostile: Track every bias, harassment complaint


Employers can’t guarantee that employees will never feel offended by a co-worker’s comment about race, ethnicity, sex or other protected characteristics. But employers can and should make sure employees know what to do if they do feel offended or harassed—and then track exactly how the matter was handled.

Age discrimination alert: Beware using high training costs as excuse to deny promotion


We all know that it costs money to train employees—and that turnover after investing in advanced training is a genuine and expensive problem. That doesn’t mean employers can get away with refusing to train someone approaching retirement age. That may be seen as age discrimination.

You don’t have to be right on discipline—just honest


Disciplining employees often requires making tough calls, especially when the disciplinary action is based on the word of co-workers. You may be forced to choose whom to believe. Don’t be tempted to ignore the complaint just because you can’t be sure who’s right. As long as you are honest, courts will be reluctant to second-guess you.

Ohio disability law doesn’t cover temporary injuries


Like the ADA, Ohio’s disability discrimination law covers only some injuries, illnesses and conditions. It doesn’t cover temporary injuries.

Harassment by text: Is this my problem?


Q. An employee complained that a co-worker was sending her sexually suggestive text messages and leaving inappropriate comments on her Facebook “wall.” Do I have any obligations to investigate?

Monitor boss for retaliation after complaint


Supervisors sometimes get angry when employees accuse them of some form of discrimination. But if that anger spills over into increased scrutiny, more job tasks and other unpleasant conditions for the employees who complained, count on even more legal trouble. That’s why HR must do more than simply warn supervisors against retaliation.