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Discrimination / Harassment

Complaint policy ignored? You face punitive damages


Warning! If you have a robust discrimination policy, but don’t follow it, you may face punitive damages under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination. That law authorizes courts to punish employers financially for conduct that is “especially egregious.”

When discipline differs, be ready to explain why


Employees often sue for discrimination when they suffer harsher discipline than co-workers did. You can counter those bias claims by having clear records that show how you decided on the specific discipline each employee received. Explain why the punishments were different.

Set job application rules, apply them equally


Employers are free to create reasonable rules for submitting job applications and make potential employees follow those rules. As long as your rules aren’t enforced in a way that favors one group of applicants over others, courts will let you reject an applicant for failing to follow those rules.

Workplace strife? Transfer is fair solution


When people have a history of conflict, it makes sense to ensure they don’t have to interact with one another. How you go about separating them may mean the difference between staying out of court or losing a costly successful retaliation or discrimination lawsuit.

Sometimes, you have to trust a jury to make the right decision


Most employers have severe cases of “juryphobia.” They assume that a jury will automatically side with an employee and award hundreds of thousands of dollars to right an alleged wrong. If you and your attorneys are convinced you didn’t do anything wrong, it may be best to trust a jury to hear the case and come to the same conclusion. That’s what one employer recently did.

Retaliation case doesn’t have to rely on specific bias claim


Employers can’t retaliate against employees for engaging in so-called protected activities. But figuring out what is protected can be hard. Your best bet: Assume any complaint is protected.

EEOC filing isn’t last word; lawsuit can add claims


You may think an employee who sues for discrimination after filing an EEOC complaint can include only so much in the ensuing lawsuit. That’s not necessarily true.

Dallas utility in hot water over alleged race bias


Thirteen employees recently filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city of Dallas, claiming they were the victims of racial discrimination while working for Dallas Water Utilities. In addition to claiming that they endured racial slurs and degrading drawings, the workers say they were passed over for promotions in favor of less qualified white workers.

Lawsuit-free hiring: The 5 laws you need to know & 4 steps you need to take


When it comes to employment lawsuits, HR is a lot like flying an airplane: The most risky parts of the trip are at the takeoff (hiring) and the landing (dismissal). With hiring, you can limit the employment-law risks by following the legally safe steps and training supervisors to do the same.

Want to get bosses’ attention on bias problems? Remind them they can be held personally liable


Here’s a powerful reason for managers and supervisors in New Jersey to understand the ins and outs of discrimination and labor laws. If they commit a discriminatory act, they could be personally liable.