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Discrimination / Harassment

The price of a poorly worded want ad: a cool $1 million

“Recent college graduates” in their “early 20s and 30s” is how ­Cavalier Telephone described—both orally and in writing—their preference for sales candidates. This overt age bias brought the wrath of the EEOC.

NYU will pay $210,000 to settle discrimination charge

New York University has settled an EEOC national-origin discrimination and harassment suit that alleged a library worker was subjected to racial stereotypes and criticism.

Can we require grooming standards without being guilty of religious bias?

Q. Our company requires male employees to keep their hair short. However, a recent applicant has stated that his religion does not allow him to cut his hair. Will requiring him to cut his hair to get the job violate federal law?

Make note if employee actually requests arbitration

Arbitration agreements with onerous terms are sometimes struck down under California contract law. But in some cases, courts will grant arbitration anyway.

Great America park sued for anti-gay harassment

Two gay customers have filed a 10-count lawsuit against California’s Great America amusement park, alleging sexual harassment, discrimination, invasion of privacy and infliction of emotion distress.

‘Me-too’ evidence can show intent to harass


Employees who are sexually har­assed at work can feel quite vulnerable, especially if they think they have been singled out for such treatment. When an employee finds out others have been treated just as badly, she may sue. Naturally, the employer’s attorney will try to exclude from evidence any incidents that occurred at other times or to employees other than the plaintiff. But now a California appeals court has permitted such “me-too” evidence.

HR CSI: Conducting a post-mortem of a legal claim


If you’ve ever been caught up in an employment lawsuit, chances are you couldn’t wait for it to be over. Yet every case presents a valuable opportunity to prevent future problems and improve HR effectiveness by conducting an “autopsy” of the claim. Jathan Janove tells you how.

Class-action lawyer to see how it looks from the other side

File it under “Ironic.” A Chicago attorney whose firm specializes in filing class-action lawsuits is being sued by a group of six women who say he sexually harassed them.

Insensitivity alone doesn’t create a hostile environment

Employees sometimes spot a pattern of outright hostility from a series of other­wise innocuous acts. That can lead to a hostile work environment lawsuit.

Chicago’s Jackson Park Hospital faces bias, retaliation charges

The EEOC is suing Jackson Park Hos­pital and Medical Center for race dis­crimination and retaliation, alleging that the South Side Chicago institution condones race bias and retaliated against workers who complained about discrimination.