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Discrimination / Harassment

Prepare to go to trial even if employee represents herself


Courts often have little patience for disorganized, incomprehensible lawsuits. Those cases are often filed by pro se litigants, who act as their own lawyers in court. Their rambling legal documents often make for difficult trials, so judges have frequently decided to toss them out. But now the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has told lower courts to rethink that approach.

Small employers: Always check to see if you’re too small to be sued under Title VII

Note to small employers interested in avoiding unnecessary hassles—and lawsuits: If you receive an EEOC or local employment discrimination agency complaint, don’t assume or admit that you have enough employees to be covered by the law.

Employee suing for bias? Double-check whether he’s filed EEOC or MHRA complaint

Here’s a tip that can save you time and money: When you receive a notice that an employee, applicant or former employee has filed a Title VII discrimination lawsuit in federal court, always double-check whether the employee has already filed an EEOC complaint or a Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) complaint (with the box for joint EEOC filing checked).

State agencies slapped with age discrimination suits

Three state agencies—the Minne­sota departments of Commerce, Pub­lic Safety and Natural Resources—face nearly identical EEOC lawsuits claiming they discriminated against workers based on their age.

Sudden discipline after exemplary record? Don’t rule out supervisor prejudice


Employees with excellent performance records often head straight to HR the first time they face disciplinary action. And you’re right to worry enough to take a careful look at whether the proposed discipline is warranted. It’s possible that a boss’s prejudice may have motivated the discipline.

Never let fired employee unfairly blame bias; be prepared to prove performance deficiencies

Employees who have lost their jobs have very little to lose and everything to gain by suing their former employers. Your best defense when firing: Al­­ways carefully document a performance-related reason for the termination. That will trump all but the most egregious cases of supervisory expressions of bigotry.

Don’t let bias complaint stop legit discipline

Here’s an important reminder for HR professionals handling em­­ployee discipline: If the disciplinary process is well under way—and you believe that the proposed discipline is fair, reasonable and based on facts—there’s no need to stop the process just because the employee files an internal discrimination complaint.

Your rules apply–even for employees preparing to sue

Here’s another reason to have privacy and confidentiality rules: Em­­ployees who violate those rules in order to gather evidence for a lawsuit they have filed can be disciplined.

Prepare for lawsuit if you change hiring criteria in middle of selection process

Employers, beware! If you ignore your posted job requirements to hire one applicant when another candidate meets all the minimum qualifications, you may find yourself being sued. Courts may conclude that you “pre-rejected” the most qualified candidate.

Check past reviews of all who seek promotion

When a supervisor already knows who he wants to promote—and has also identified someone he definitely doesn’t want to get the job—he just may concoct a reason to explain his choice. But if that reason doesn’t jibe with the rejected em­­ployee’s past evaluations, trouble lurks.