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Discrimination / Harassment

Performance slipping under new supervisor? Find out if standards have changed

If a former employee sues after being fired for poor performance, his attorney will almost certainly ask to look at past performance appraisals. Any that indicate the employee had previously been doing a good or excellent job may be used against you as proof the employee was fired for illegal reasons.

Premium blunder: Don’t gripe about cost of workers’ health

The cost of health insurance is a hot-button issue for most em­­ployers and employees today. But as one court recently warned, be careful what you say to employees about the impact of their health on the company’s insurance premiums.

NYC guidance counselor fired over old lingerie photos

A school guidance counselor is suing the New York City Department of Education after she was fired after some long-ago photos of her modeling lingerie surfaced on the Internet. Her lawsuit claims discrimination and wrongful termination.

‘Bias’ never mentioned? That won’t stop retaliation suit

There are no magic words an em­­ployee has to utter in order to engage in protected activity. As long as what he says would lead a reasonable person to conclude he’s complaining about some form of discrimination, he has protection from retaliation.

Lawsuit limitation clause may stop New York bias claims, but won’t bar federal cases

If New York employers want to shorten the time frame in which former employees can file lawsuits, they can do so by including a clause to that effect in their employment applications. However, that may apply only to New York state claims, not federal ones.

Set clear policy on promotions–and enforce it

Good news for employers that use a formal process to invite employees to apply for promotions. Employees who don’t follow that process—instead merely telling their boss that they want to be considered—can’t successfully sue if they’re not promoted.

Cite business reasons to justify terminations

Here’s how to win termination lawsuits: Back up your decisions with solid business reasons for the discharge—especially if you had to let people go to reduce labor costs or otherwise survive financial hardship.

Supreme Court will address key employment law cases this term


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 dominates this year’s employment-related Supreme Court docket, with the Justices hearing two cases involving Title VII of that landmark law. Also to be decided between now and next June: cases involving the FLSA and ERISA.

Ohio bill would overhaul bias, harassment complaint process

A bill before the Ohio Senate could thoroughly revamp how employees file complaints about workplace discrimination and harassment—and greatly benefit employers that have robust anti-discrimination and harassment policies and practices.

’40-year-old virgin’ wins right to sexual harassment trial

Warn supervisors to stay away from demeaning jokes and other offensive, sexually oriented comments.