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Discrimination / Harassment

Boss, employee of different races? That’s not bias

Most workplaces now reflect the nation’s increasing diversity. Don’t let that worry you. An employee can’t sue just because a ­manager who makes employment decisions belongs to a different racial group.

Relax! Merely unpleasant working conditions won’t make you a target for bias lawsuits

Sometimes, work is just plain unpleasant. That’s no reason for employees to sue. Unless the working conditions can be traced to some form of illegal discrimination, the court system won’t intervene.

Anti-harassment policy, training are meaningless if supervisors decide to ignore them

When a co-worker makes himself a nuisance (or worse), a robust anti-harassment policy, a clear reporting method and swift and sure action will cut liability in almost all cases. But what if the policy isn’t en­­forced or a supervisor learns about the harassment but ignores the problem and doesn’t take action? Then all bets are off.

Just how many plaintiffs can one suit have?

What if you get a hiring decision wrong, choosing someone from one protected category over another slightly better-qualified minority applicant? Fortunately, that misstep won’t open the door for hordes of minority applicants to sue. Only the slightly better-qualified applicant will have a claim.

Hypersensitive employee? What’s hostile depends on objective analysis

Don’t worry too much if a sensitive soul finds the workplace unpleasant. Absent tangible, objective evidence that an environment is truly hostile, her lawsuit won’t go far.

Remind bosses: Part-time workers have the same job rights as full-timers


Some managers mistakenly believe there’s no danger in firing new part-time employees or treating seasonal employees differently. That’s just not true.

J.B. Hunt drops ban on hiring those with criminal records

Transportation giant J.B. Hunt has agreed to revise its hiring policy that the EEOC claimed prohibited hiring anyone with a criminal record. The case began with a single black applicant who was denied a truck driving position because he had been convicted of a crime.

Document stressful work conditions to defend against retaliation claim


Some jobs are inherently more stressful than others and some positions require careful supervision. Employees with such jobs may feel anxious and under constant scrutiny. That can be an unexpected benefit should an employee claim some form of harassment based on sex, race, disability or other protected membership.

There’s a reason for all those disciplinary rules!

You should be able to easily pull up every employee’s disciplinary history and show that the employee received a copy, acknowledged an oral warning or was counseled. Consider what happened in the following case when recordkeeping lapsed.

Fired in Fayetteville, former employee alleges racism

A black man who was fired by the Fayetteville Public Works Com­mis­­sion (PWC) has filed a race discrimination lawsuit alleging that the commission consistently favors white employees over black employees.