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Employee Relations

Michigan firm constantly reconsiders benefits

Managers at Michigan-based Red Level Networks routinely analyze employee benefits in an effort to retain employees. The philosophy of David King, founder and president of the technology company, is that satisfied employees provide outstanding customer service to the firm’s clients.

Can we compel a former employee to update LinkedIn to show she no longer works here?

Q. It’s come to our attention that a former employee of ours has not updated her LinkedIn profile after her termination 10 months ago for insubordination. Would we have a cause of action against her?

No need to tolerate personal woes that spill over to workplace arguments

When bad romance spills over to the workplace, you don’t have to put up with the aftermath. Set strict rules about behavior and don’t tolerate loud arguments, threats or other disruptions.

Randleman, N.C. police officer indicted for larceny

Before the Randleman Police Department moved to new facilities last Novem­­ber, Chief Steve Leonard ordered an inventory of the evidence room. The tally found that $7,800 in cash was missing.

Make it easy for courts to side with you: After complaint, document all discipline

Generally, employees who complain are sensitive to possible retaliation—to the point that some sus­­pect retaliation even when it hasn’t occurred. Protect your organization by making sure that you document all subsequent discipline, showing that it was imposed fairly in a way that’s consistent with company policy and your past disciplinary practices.

Treat every workday like it’s a Tuesday!


We reported last year that 39%  of HR managers think their organization’s employees are most productive on Tuesdays. How can you get workers up to speed the other four days of the workweek? Pass along these tips.

Medication affecting performance: What to do?

Q. A long-term employee has been working part time for a year due to double knee replacement surgery. She takes painkillers, but not during work hours. Recently, she’s displayed poor judgment, doesn’t concentrate well and sometimes shakes all over. We’re concerned she may be addicted to the painkillers. We reassigned her to a job that carries less risk. What can we legally do to address this?

Cash is king for light-fingered workers

Almost two-thirds of small businesses have been victims of employee theft, and 40% of the time, the employee took money, according to University of Cincinnati criminal justice researcher Jay Kennedy.

Leadership Tips: Vol. 314

Do more five-minute favors … Learn three lessons from the CEO of Warby Parker … Reverse the odds with a bold act.

Step back to move your work teams forward


Congratulations! You’ve been appointed to lead a new team. The key to team leadership is knowing how to pull back and let the group gel. Follow these tips.