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Employee Relations

Foster high-impact training on a low budget

Surprising fact: Although U.S. companies spend billions on formal training programs, as much as 70 percent of all workplace learning takes place informally on the job and during shift changes, says …

Involvement, not psychic ability, is your duty under the ADA

When it comes to establishing “reasonable accommodations” for disabled employees, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) puts the burden squarely on employees’ shoulders to speak up about their needs for accommodation. …

Dump strict language policy; EEOC cracks down

If your company requires employees to speak English at all times (even lunch hours and breaks), drop that policy now. Such broad English-only rules violate Title VII.
And even if …

Don’t let ticked-off co-workers shoot the messenger (you)

Issue: How to stay calm and collected while handling complaints from angry employees.
Benefit: Deflect anger without taking the blame … or adding stress to your day …

Ask on-Leave employees to tell you when they’ll return


Q. Is it legal to require that employees on FMLA leave report to us regularly on their plans to return to work? —P.R., New York

Dump strict English-only policy; EEOC cracks down

Issue: Requiring employees to speak English can be legally risky.
Risk: Overly broad or misguided policies can trigger a national-origin discrimination complaint …

Spot check your workplace for offensive material

The EEOC is suing a Pennsylvania steel plant for condoning sexual harassment by allowing offensive pictures, posters and calendars in the office. The lawsuit claims a shipping clerk and other female …

Workers can’t claim self-defense as reason to ignore anti-violence rule

As part of your anti-violence policy, include a clearly worded ban on physical and verbal abuse in the workplace, even if it’s in self-defense. Include descriptions …

Even ‘harmless’ banter can create a hostile environment

Issue: A new ruling lowers the bar on what courts consider sexual harassment.
Risk: Allowing “boys to be boys”, even if they don’t target anyone for abuse, can now cost …

Tap new EEOC Web site for investigation insight

The EEOC is coming after you for workplace discrimination. Now what? One good source, surprisingly, is the EEOC’s own site, which now offers a section titled “EEOC Investigations, What an Employer …