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Employee Relations

When you must correct borderline misbehavior

We’ve all known people whose behav­ior, while not illegal or a firing offense, just isn’t very nice, and we’ve all seen the damage such people can do to morale and productivity.

Beware the 4-month slump

Most people start a job with a bounce in their step and a gleam of eagerness in their eyes. But after four months or so on the job, most employees feel the job isn’t that interesting, challenging or rewarding. What does this mean for a supervisor?

Taylor Swift tickets help nab alleged embezzler

A 44-year-old executive at a Burnsville, Minnesota nonprofit health care clinic has been charged with three counts of theft by swindle for allegedly stealing nearly $80,000.

Most like music at work, cite greater productivity

Silence may be golden, but most workers feel they’re more productive at the office when listening to music, new research from staffing firm Accountemps shows.

Wage report spurs worries about retention

With the economy humming along nicely, employers know they need to retain workers or face the task of trying to find new hires. That’s increasingly difficult to do.

Disability is no excuse for poor performance

Disabled workers are entitled to reasonable accommodations that allow them to perform the essential functions of their jobs. However, accommodations must be related to the disability. They can’t serve as an excuse not to perform essential job functions.

Oh, no! They shoved a ‘weak link’ on my team

An employee with a history of poor performance is transferred to your department. What do you do? Here’s a systematic approach to helping an employee with a checkered track record get up and running in your department.

Document each stage of progressive discipline

Employers that have a progressive discipline process, in which discharge can only happen after counseling and a series of warnings have occurred, have an advantage if a terminated employee sues them for discrimination.

Taking a chance on barely qualified applicant? Prepare to document any shortcomings

You may be tempted to take a chance on hiring someone who doesn’t have the exact experience or education you usually look for. But be careful. If you end up having to terminate the employee, be prepared to show exactly why he wasn’t meeting your standards.

Avoid the perception of bullying: 8 do’s and don’ts

The growth of anti-bullying laws, policies and public campaigns are making employees ultra-aware to potential bullying situations at work. For supervisors, that means it’s more important than ever to be alert to how your words and actions are being delivered … and received. Here are eight do’s and don’ts: