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Employee Relations

Remind bosses: Don’t tolerate rude acts for fear of lawsuits


When employees behave rudely or in an insubordinate fashion, supervisors shouldn’t back off discipline because they fear a legal complaint. Your organization can, and should, enforce civility standards …

One-Time pay penalty can’t be challenged years later


A temporary suspension without pay is a one-time event, and employees can’t use it as the basis of a lawsuit years later. Those who allege such a pay loss must file a complaint promptly; they can’t argue that later consequences open the door to a lawsuit again

NYC chef accused of sexually harassing waitress


Employers should never look the other way if they know about a supervisor’s harassing behavior. Investigate every complaint and promptly discipline harassers

Whistle-Blower claims can be forced into arbitration


Texas law makes it illegal to discipline health care workers for reporting wrongdoing to authorities. But when such employees feel they’ve been retaliated against for blowing the whistle, they can’t automatically run to court …

Pregnancy shouldn’t affect employees’ discipline


Q. If an employee is already on probation when she becomes pregnant, how does an employer continue with progressive discipline measures, including possible discharge? —P.A.

State police officer wins $340,000 judgment in retaliation lawsuit


A Gibson state police corporal was awarded $340,000 by a federal jury in a lawsuit alleging the department retaliated against him for reporting wrongdoing by fellow officers …

Progressive discipline: How to apply a fair, firm policy


While no federal or state law requires you to create and follow a progressive discipline policy, courts often come down hard on employers that promise progressive discipline but fail to deliver it …

Employees’ hostile pranks spell setback for Fort Lauderdale


Dogged for over a decade by lawsuits alleging racial and sexual discrimination, the city of Fort Lauderdale has been working to change that atmosphere. But two recent instances of hostile employee pranks marked a major setback for the city’s effort

Save whiteboard genius before it’s gone


Great ideas drafted on whiteboards during meetings or brainstorming sessions can disappear if you don’t somehow capture them. Three low-cost ideas …

Sample Policy: Moonlighting

The following sample policies were excerpted from The Book of Company Policies, published by HR Specialist, © 2007. Edit for your organization’s purposes. _____________________________ Sample Policy 1: “An employee may hold a job with another organization as long as he or she satisfactorily performs his or her job responsibilities with XYZ. All employees will be […]