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Discipline / Investigations

Public employer alert: Know when you can discipline employees for speaking out


Public employers know they can’t punish employees who speak out on matters of public importance. Government employees have a Constitutional right to free speech. But that doesn’t mean you must treat with kid gloves every employee who mouths off—or that you can’t legitimately discipline those employees.

Don’t sweat new supervisor’s one-time demeaning act


New supervisors don’t always manage their subordinates as well as more experienced managers. They’re going to make some mistakes along the way. And not every early mistake will mean a winning lawsuit for the subordinate. As the following case shows, it takes more than one stupid move to create a hostile environment.

Hastings offers settlement to cop accused of wrongdoing


A female police officer who was placed on administrative leave after being accused of writing false traffic-warning citations has received a payout from her employer, the Hastings Police Department.

Document investigation to thwart harasser’s suit


Sometimes, employers conducting harassment investigations find themselves in no-win situations, especially when there are conflicting claims and classic “he said, she said” scenarios. You risk a lawsuit if you fire the alleged harasser, most likely alleging some other illegal reason for your decision to terminate. The way to win these cases: Thoroughly document the investigation.

You can make disabled comply with dress, behavior standards


Good news when it comes to disciplining disabled employees for breaking behavioral or dress code rules: You can and should hold the disabled to those rules, along with everyone else.

Elementary school teacher charged with drug offenses


Williamsport Area School District elementary school teacher Beth Camp faces charges after police seized 72 pounds of marijuana from her Lycoming Township home.

Avoiding employee lawsuits: 5 lessons from the court

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Beware firing based on police polygraph tests


Employee theft is a big problem, and it could get bigger during hard economic times. Sometimes employers learn about “inside jobs” from police. When that’s the case, watch out for an interesting trap that can lead to litigation.

Former police officer repays missing youth-program funds


A former Greensboro police officer has repaid $16,600 that disappeared from a fund he directed. David Andrew Moore made the payment after being found guilty of failing to discharge his duties.

Proven way to win shaky bias suits: Be specific about reasons for discharge


Discharged employees who sue over alleged discrimination often must prove that the reason their employers gave for firing them was really a cover for discrimination. If you’re very specific about your reason for terminating an employee, you’re likely to win these kinds of lawsuits.