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Discipline / Investigations

Do nonunion employees have right to representation during disciplinary meetings?

Q. I am working with my supervisory staff on how to deal with a difficult employee. He insists he has the right to be represented when his supervisor wants to discuss a performance problem. He recently asked to have another employee come with him for a meeting with his supervisor regarding his poor attendance. We are a nonunion company. Any suggestions? …

Spaghetti incident gets even messier in LAFD’s tangled tale

A jury has added $1.6 million to the tab for the Los Angeles Fire Department’s (LAFD) handling of a discrimination lawsuit, bringing the total to $4.5 million. The case began when a black LAFD firefighter alleged that someone had laced his spaghetti dinner with dog food …

If you need to discipline, verify facts with several sources

Discipline is always a sensitive issue, especially if the employee in question has filed previous discrimination complaints or a lawsuit. Even if the employer won previous battles, the employee may actually view any discipline as another chance to attack the company—with a retaliation lawsuit. Here’s the best way to handle further discipline …

Indiana court losing patience with inconsistent enforcement of no-Call policies

To manage your workload, you need to know whether employees will show up for work. To avoid fraudulent call-offs, you may even require a personal call. But unless you are already suspicious—or have had problems with that particular employee abusing the system before—you shouldn’t single out one employee for discipline …

When romance goes bad: Protecting the company from the fallout


When office romances sour, scorned lovers often use Title VII to allege that their former lover was a sexual harasser. And even if the lovers are happy, workplace romances can cause problems in the office or on the shop floor. If co-workers feel a love affair results in favoritism, the relationship may lead to charges of conflict of interest, harassment, retaliation or discrimination …

Afraid to discipline disabled employee? Just follow the rules


Sometimes, it may feel like everyone in HR is walking on eggshells, especially when it comes to disciplining employees who say they have disabilities. It doesn’t have to be that way—if you have a comprehensive employee handbook and consistently follow it …

Madison Square Garden back in the penalty box


Still reeling from a protracted, embarrassing trial and punishing verdict in Anucha Browne Sanders’ sexual harassment suit against New York Knicks coach Isiah Thomas, Madison Square Garden (MSG) has quietly settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with former New York Rangers cheerleader Courtney Prince for an undisclosed amount …

One-Size-Fits-All harassment reporting policies don’t really fit all

If you downloaded your company handbook from the Internet or took it with you from your last job—beware! Take a look at your anti-harassment policy’s reporting procedures. A new court ruling shows why you should take your policy out, dust it off and look it over closely … at least before a jury does …

Documentation key to showing prompt, fair investigation

Discrimination lawsuits can take years to resolve, and memories fade over time. That’s one reason to take careful notes during your initial investigation. Be sure to record exactly what the alleged victim says happened. You don’t want to be blindsided later …

Ensure your harassment policy includes requirement to promptly report violations

Does your company’s sexual harassment policy include a provision that tells employees they must promptly report alleged sexual harassment? If it doesn’t, consider adding such a clause. The wording may help if an employee waits to report that her supervisor was allegedly harassing her …