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Discipline / Investigations

Punish offenders to set example that prevents harassment

When you learn that a supervisor has sexually harassed and punished—or threatened to punish—a subordinate to gain cooperation or for rejecting an advance, send a strong message to all managers and supervisors. Promptly fire the harasser or demote him—or her—out of a supervisory position. Then reinstate the harassed employee …

Don’t hesitate to discipline a rude and insubordinate employee

Nothing disrupts the workplace like a rude and nasty employee—especially one who thinks she’s smarter than everybody else and constantly tries to show it by criticizing co-workers and others. To stop the damage, you may have to act firmly, even if that means the employee may sue. If you back your actions with solid evidence, chances are a judge will throw out the case …

State’s lawyer says she was punished for union organizing

Assistant Attorney General Amy Lawler says she was suspended for speaking out in favor of a union movement in the attorney general’s office. But Attorney General Lori Swanson’s administration says Lawler was put on leave in March only because she had failed to follow the proper channels in raising ethics concerns …

Charging falsification? Make sure you can back up claim

Employees who don’t follow company rules should be disciplined and possibly terminated. But employers must make sure they can back up their claims. Otherwise, they may face lawsuits if the fired employees belong to a protected class …

Quell the rumor mill while internal investigations progress

Do you have safeguards to protect confidentiality while you conduct internal investigations of sexual harassment and other employee complaints? If not, you should. If an employer is careless and allows word of the allegations to get out to people who have no reason to know about them, the employer may face defamation claims …

Monitor to make sure harassment really has stopped

It sometimes happens: Production floor or other entry-level employees lacking a—shall we say—sophisticated outlook on life go a little too far. Perhaps they play a practical joke that is offensive to a co-worker. Someone complains, and HR investigates. The culprits apologize, and everything settles down. Is the organization in the clear? …

Golden Corral faces harassment suit

Four former employees are suing Raleigh, N.C.-based Golden Corral Corp. for sexual harassment they say they endured while working at a restaurant in Port Richie. The plaintiffs claim three male workers, including an associate manager, sexually harassed them repeatedly …

Ensure harassment victim knows you want her to stay

Employees who believe they are enduring unbearable harassment may feel they have no choice but to resign. If that happens, they may be able to sue their employers for constructive discharge. But employers can mitigate that danger by making sure the employee understands that management wants her to stay on board while the company investigates …

Be careful what you promise: You may extend employee’s time to sue

The Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) protects employees from discrimination, but requires them to file their claims within one year of the discriminatory act. But an employee who believes she has a claim and waits to file may sometimes gain extra time—if the discriminating entity promises to investigate …

How much cooperation must we give to a state discrimination investigation?

Q. I own a small medical device company. We are responding to a frivolous charge of discrimination filed by a former employee. The Minnesota Department of Human Rights has contacted us to conduct interviews of certain employees. Do I have to make these employees available? Can I ask to participate in the employee interviews? — S.G., Bloomington …