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Discipline / Investigations

How far can MDCR investigation go?

Q. Our company is responding to a charge filed with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR). The allegation relates to management’s treatment of one employee. However, during the investigation, the MDCR  asked us to produce various unrelated records—for example, promotion records. The charging party has made no claim that he was discriminated against with respect to any promotion. He has never even sought a promotion. How should we respond to this request? …

Beware: You’re now strictly liable for supervisor harassment

The Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled that sexual harassment cases brought under the Minnesota Human Rights Act should follow the rules laid out for federal Title VII sexual harassment cases. The decision means employers can do precious little to escape liability if a supervisor harasses a subordinate and then takes, or threatens to take, an adverse employment action against that employee …

You get to decide what punishment fits the crime

When it comes to disciplining employees who break company rules, courts like to keep their hands off employer decisions—as long as everyone who breaks a particular rule receives the same punishment. But courts rarely have problems with the rules companies create and the punishments companies assign to particular rules …

Employee should have given firm a chance to stop harassment

Preston Kelley began working for Taher Acquisition Corp. in October 2006. Approximately three months later, Kelley’s supervisor, Mark Good, kicked him in the buttocks, laughed and blew kisses at him. Kelley reported the incident to the company’s operations manager …

During union drive, don’t unfairly target pro-Union employees

Nothing will escalate an already tense workplace during a union-organizing drive and subsequent election than punishing pro-union employees. While you can certainly continue with any evaluations or disciplinary actions that are warranted, beware of targeting anyone involved in the union push …

Teacher fired for burning cross on student’s arm

The Mount Vernon City Schools’ Board of Education has moved to terminate a middle school teacher accused of burning a cross into a student’s arm. Over the years, school board officials have reprimanded Freshwater several times for refusing to remove his Bible from his classroom desk and teaching creationism alongside evolution …

Back up even minor disciplinary action with solid records

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Nothing wins lawsuits like good records. Tell all managers and supervisors that HR won’t approve any disciplinary action without a copy of the documentation used to justify the decision …

Don’t let trumped-Up excuses prevent sacking bad worker

Employees who fear their jobs are in danger often try to find some way to protect themselves from being fired. For example, the employee will suddenly report sexual harassment, take FMLA leave or claim he or she has a disability that needs accommodation. Don’t dismiss those claims without an investigation …

Bad behavior was the kiss of death for Passaic employee

Janice Keels joined the Passaic municipal payroll as a judiciary clerk in 1999. Almost immediately, her supervisor noted that she had poor interpersonal skills. For example, Keels complained in May 2000 about a co-worker, saying she would hit her if she had to, and repeating, “I’ll hit her” …

You aren’t required to launch a perfect investigation

Employers know they have to investigate sexual harassment complaints. It’s the only way to avoid liability in some sexual harassment cases. But your investigation doesn’t have to be perfect—just prompt and reasonable …