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OSHA throws in the towel on the shot mandate, at least for now

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Jan. 13 ruling, OSHA has withdrawn its vaccinate-or-test emergency temporary standard, but that’s not the end of the story.

Paying with 91,500 pennies draws DOL’s attention—and more charges

A Georgia business owner is being sued for retaliation after delivering a former employee’s final pay in the form of 91,500 oil-covered pennies dumped in the man’s driveway.

DOL issues final tip credit rule

A new final rule from the DOL prohibits employers from paying tipped workers a sub-minimum wage if they perform non-tip-producing work more than 20% of the time.

Amazon’s leave fiasco could trigger worker skepticism

Amazon got lots of public heat last week after a New York Times report detailed major glitches in the company’s handling of employees’ paid and unpaid leave. The result: Paycheck errors shortchanged workers at nearly 180 Amazon locations for years.

Pay some teleworkers less based on location?

It may be time to rethink how much you pay remote employees. Some large employers already have. If you are considering adjusting your compensation strategy for remote employees, expect backlash. Two tactics will make it easier to weather the criticism.

Welcome to our three-hurricane Friday wrap

Let’s talk FIRE system improvements, new employer guidance from OSHA, new per diem rates and more.

Do your obligations follow digital nomads?

Many employees who worked remotely through the pandemic will soon begin returning to work in person this fall. Before then, however, many of your pandemic teleworkers are likely planning to hit the road this summer—and taking their laptops with them as they can continue to work remotely from some location away from home. Here’s what to consider before giving them the green light.

Friday wrap: Child tax credit, new collection procedure, IRS webinars and more

Here’s our first, official June Friday wrap. Read it and then go to the beach.

Consider paying back employees’ PPE costs

Responding to the coronavirus pandemic added unexpected line items to many employers’ budgets. But what about expenses employees incurred? If you required employees to wear masks, face shields or other personal protective equipment, you should consider reimbursing them.

Monday mashup: Draft Form 941, Biden budget and other good stuff

It’s an old government trick—dump stuff on a Friday afternoon, especially during the summer (and most especially during this summer), when our attention is elsewhere. Mondays, of course, are the day we sort it out.