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Compensation & Benefits

Night-Shift Liability


Q. Our company doesn’t have a policy on night shifts, but we’ve asked one of our hourly employees to work from 1 to 9 p.m. without any supervision. If something should happen to the employee while on night duty, are we liable for it? I’ve checked with my state labor department and workers’ comp office, and they say we’re not. —L.R., Florida

Stress leave: How much must you accommodate?

Do any of these situations sound familiar? At Aon Corp., which lost many workers in the World Trade Center attack, groups …

Capping Sick Pay


Q. One of our managers has medical problems (she qualifies for the ADA and is in an age-protected class) and has used a significant amount of sick pay. Because we don’t have a defined sick pay policy, this manager is paid sick time whenever she’s out (full day or half day). How can we legally cap this? Is the development of a policy with specific hours our only alternative? —F.E., Georgia

Denying pay raise is ‘adverse employment action’

Salome Fierros filed an internal complaint against her boss for assigning her duties that other lab technicians weren’t required to do. Soon after, Fierros claimed, the director retaliated by denying her …

More reason to avoid overtime violations: Steeper penalties

The U.S. Labor Department has recently jacked up its penalties for violating minimum wage, overtime or child labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The 10 percent increase in fines …

Age-bias lawsuits: The costliest battles

Getting slammed with a discrimination judgment is bad. And the worst are age discrimination cases. Reason: A new study from Jury Verdict Research shows that the median jury award in age-bias …

‘Working’ Supervisors and Exempt Status


Q. We have an hourly worker who oversees both the maintenance and housekeeping departments and supervises two employees. In this job, he has the authority to hire and fire, but he also is a “working” supervisor who performs maintenance in and around the property. Can his status be changed to salary/ exempt? —T.W., Texas

‘Volunteers’ at for-profit companies: Should they be paid?

Traditionally, volunteers donate their time to nonprofit groups, like the American Red Cross, without an expectation of being paid. Such true volunteers aren’t covered by wage and hour requirements of federal or …

Commuting perks: New rules make them more attractive

Although 86 percent of American workers feel that commuter assistance benefits, such as discount transit passes, ride-sharing boards or parking benefits, are beneficial, only 17 percent have access to such perks, …

Rework your severance plan: More prospective employees seeking this safety net

Even if your company has avoided layoffs, it’s still time to rethink whether your severance plan is achieving …