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Compensation & Benefits

Regulating off-duty conduct: How far can you go?

Say you find out that your sales manager is dating the marketing director of your biggest competitor. Or that your cashier has a bottle-of-scotch-a-day drinking habit after work. Can you fire …

Care for healthy child wins FMLA coverage

The walls of employee FMLA protection have grown higher with a new court ruling that says a worker must be given leave to look after his healthy children while his wife …

Paid FMLA leave: Coming to a state near you?

California’s recent passage of a paid family leave bill for workers may be the first in the nation, but don’t expect it to be the last. Reason: The new law, which …

Tip-pooling with management violates FLSA

A restaurant required waiters to pool their tips and share them with busboys and managers who worked the floor. The waiters sued under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The employer …

Giving Exempt Employees Extra Pay Is Risky Business


Q. Our company pays overtime to salaried supervisors for hours they work over 40 in a week. I have never heard of this compensation practice. Is it legal? —C.H., Colorado

Accommodate Reduced Hours For Pregnant Worker


Q. I have a salaried employee who is pregnant. She brought in a doctor’s note that says her hours need to be cut to six per day. Can I either reduce her pay or have her work six days a week? —M.S., Virginia

Who Pays for Uniforms?


Q. We require employees to wear uniforms. Can we deduct from their paychecks the money to pay for the uniform or clean it? —L.B., Massachusetts

Off-work months during grievance don’t count toward FMLA eligibility

Plant worker John Plumley was off the job for six months while he dealt with a grievance filed under the collective bargaining agreement. Ultimately, an arbitrator reinstated Plumley and awarded him …

Equal Pay Act: Erase the sex from your pay grades

THE LAW. The Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963 prohibits employers from dishing out different wages or bene-fits on the basis of gender for “equal work on jobs (requiring) equal skill, …

Worker can’t sue for job switch if you have legitimate reasons

Barbara Policastro was a Northwest Airlines’ sales rep whose territory covered Cincinnati, where she lived. She also had to spend about five days a month servicing cities in northern Kentucky about …