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Compensation & Benefits

You can’t shave employee’s bonus just because she took FMLA leave

When the company Valerie Dierlam worked for was sold, the acquiring firm offered her a bonus of half her salary if she stayed for one year. She did, but the …

Person must be true employee to collect workers’ comp.

Jerald Meyer was helping repair a wall at his wife’s restaurant when he fell from a ladder and suffered a serious brain injury. Meyer brought a claim under workers’ comp, claiming …

COBRA: Foolproof administration is key to compliance

THE LAW. The federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 requires companies with group health plans to continue offering health insurance benefits to employees and their dependents for a …

Your benefits liability may not end with company sale

While Denise Lessard was on disability leave, the company she worked for was sold. All employees were automatically employed by the acquiring firm as long as they were “actively employed” on …

HR pay: Has it hit bottom?

Didn’t get much of a raise in 2002? You’re not alone. The struggling economy held HR pay in check as companies kept a tight rein on salary hikes. Pay nudged …

Dress codes: Strip away discrimination, ‘uniform’ dangers

If your business is image-driven, now’s the time to take a closer look at how you regulate employee appearance. Reason: An increasing number of lawsuits are successfully challenging employers’ dress-code policies. …

Focus on Decision Making When Deciding Exempt Status


Q. I believe that one of our employees falls within the administrative exemption under FLSA, but I’m not sure if he “regularly exercises discretion and independent judgment.” How can I make that determination? —A.C., Mississippi

Overtime Pay Not Affected by Worker’s Shift Switch


Q. Are employers required to pay for overtime hours resulting from the employee voluntarily switching shifts with another employee? —E.R., Kansas

New corporate accountability law holds employment-law surprises

It’s no secret that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 made sweeping reforms to corporate governance law. But employers are learning that it also includes some employment-related provisions for public companies …

Injuries from suicide attempt may be covered by workers’ comp

A worker injured his back on the job and complained that he was suffering chronic pain as a result. He claimed the pain caused major depression and anxiety that drove him …