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Compensation & Benefits

Call center staff belongs to same union as the callers


Work/life professionals who staff the Workplace Options UnionSelect call center in Michigan have a special understanding of the unionized employees on the other end of the phone who are seeking help with child and elder care. Reason: They both belong to the same union …

9 ways to celebrate National Work & Family Month


October marks the fourth annual National Work & Family Month, an honor that Congress commissioned in 2003 because, it said, "supporting a balance between work and personal life is in the best interest of national worker productivity" …

Breast-feeding: The next employment right? Some in Congress want the feds to follow states


If Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) has her way, employers would have to comply with yet another federal employment entitlement: the right to breast-feed or express milk for infant feeding. Her bill would make it illegal to discriminate against breast-feeding moms and would give tax incentives for companies to establish sanitary places for employees to breast-feed …

Domestic violence and employees: Your role, Responsibility


Domestic violence isn’t always domestic. It comes to the workplace as lost productivity, excessive absenteeism, employee depression, increased health costs and, in the worst-case scenario, as violence at the workplace …

Can you tell an HR assistant whom to socialize with?


Q. I’m the HR director of a 45-employee company and have one assistant. Due to the firm’s growth, I’m considering giving my assistant more responsibility. My concern: The assistant is very friendly with about 10 other employees. Two are her roommates. What’s to stop her from divulging information to her friends? I have said nothing to her about my concerns yet. What can I express to her without overstepping her legal rights? —M.I., New York

Latest Low-Cost Perk: Helping employees land child care


With so much absenteeism linked to child care issues, more U.S. employers are offering employees access to new Web sites that help solve a common dilemma: finding a good, reliable babysitter …

Draw attention to your perks during ‘Work & Family’ month


Supporting a balance between employees’ work lives and personal lives "is in the best interest of national worker productivity." At least that’s what Congress declared in 2003 when it decreed that October shall be deemed "National Work & Family Month" …

‘Cool’ music company creates transition plan for new moms


Detroit-based music company, Handleman Co., hosts impromptu concerts in the lobby and gives free CDs to employees. Such perks landed the firm on a list of 60 "Cool Places to Work" in Michigan. But cool wasn’t cutting it for the company’s working moms, who wanted more flexibility after having babies …

Part-Time Employees Earning Full-Time Benefits


Starting this year, Kent, Wash.-based Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) began offering some full-time benefits to their part-time employees. That’s no small change because the retailer employs nearly 4,000 employees who work fewer than 20 hours a week at 82 stores. But it gives the company a competitive advantage in recruitment and retention, says Jeff Johnson, director of compensation and benefits …

Prepare to disclose more details on exec compensation


Public companies must start providing a clearer picture of their top executives’ total compensation in accordance with new Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules released in late July …