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Compensation & Benefits

Time to come clean: car washes handed $1.6 million in citations


The California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) recently conducted two days of sweeps at approximately 100 car washes in six Southern California counties, uncovering an array of employment law violations …

Reporting requirements under the Georgia Unemployment Compensation Program


Q. Does Georgia law require employers to provide separation notices to employees who voluntarily resign from their jobs? …

Former employee working ‘Under the table’ can lose future unemployment benefits


Former employees who collect unemployment sometimes work “off the books” while collecting payments. That’s illegal, of course. Those found to have violated the law by not reporting self-employment or casual labor may be banned from collecting unemployment in the future. They also will owe repayment. But unless the proper authorities know about the activity, nothing will happen …

Workplace genetic testing raises discrimination concerns


Advances in genetic research have renewed attention on the workplace implications of genetic testing. Genetic research has many potential benefits. But there is growing concern that employers with access to genetic information may use it to discriminate …

Unemployment comp legit if threat of losing job compelled employee to quit


Telling an employee you aren’t satisfied with her work and suggesting you will be looking for a replacement could mean she can quit and get unemployment compensation. You can’t push her to “look for another job” and then hope to avoid an unemployment claim by saying she voluntarily left …

Workers’ compensation can cover cosmetic surgery for injured employee


Employees injured while at work are entitled to medical treatment to correct those injuries. It turns out that treatment can include cosmetic surgery …

Don’t risk double compensation—Make sure workers’ comp policy is in place


Here’s a cautionary tale for Indiana employers that don’t carry up-to-date workers’ compensation insurance or that haven’t been approved as self-insured employers. If your policy lapses, you just may find yourself paying double for any work-related injuries …

TWC to share information on employment tax schemes with IRS


The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) recently agreed to tell the IRS about employers that fail to properly pay state unemployment insurance taxes. The TWC joins 28 other state work force agencies in entering the new initiative, which expands on existing data-sharing efforts between federal and state agencies …

Unemployment surplus means Texas employers get tax credit


Gov. Rick Perry has announced that 370,000 Texas employers will receive tax credits next year because the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund has amassed a surplus of approximately $376.7 million …

Don’t force FMLA leave unless health condition is serious


The FMLA allows employers to designate time off as FMLA leave even if employees want to use other time off (such as vacation and personal days) to deal with serious health issues. But be careful—if the time off turns out to be for a health condition that wasn’t serious and you later deny FMLA leave because the employee has none in the bank, she can charge you with interference with her FMLA rights …