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Compensation & Benefits

First National Bank makes meals, life easier for employees


Long hours at work can leave little time to prepare dinner, so First National Bank delivers frozen, home-cooked meals right to their desks …

Free fishing and weight-Loss classes among Acuity’s employee perks


Fish ponds and Weight Watchers are just two of the benefits Acuity offers its employees. The insurance company’s Sheboygan, WI, headquarters has four ponds on its 115-acre campus, all stocked with bluegill, perch and bass …

Protect your work force from drug-Resistant superbugs


“Medical crisis.” “New staph strain raises red flags.” “Superbug taking great toll.” These headlines, and more like them, shook up the country during the fall—and prompted HR pros to take precautions in their workplaces …

Options help Xerox staff cope with illness


When illness strikes a family member, worry and stress can hurt job performance. Xerox helps employees manage complex diagnoses with a patient advocacy program. Employees who use the company’s Health Systems Management (HSM) program can get information about conditions …

IRS Revenue Ruling 87-41

Rev. Rul. 87-41 1987-1 C.B. 296. Internal Revenue Service Revenue Ruling EMPLOYMENT STATUS UNDER SECTION 530(D) OF THE REVENUE ACT OF 1978 Published: 1987 Section 3121.-Definitions, 26 CFR 31.3121(d)-1: Who are employees. (Also Sections 3306, 3401; 31.3306(i)-1, 31.3401(c)-1.)   Employment status under section 530(d) of the Revenue Act of 1978. Guidelines are set forth for determining […]

Shift swapping reasonably accommodates religious days off


Employers can manage employees’ religious needs without simply exempting religious employees from weekend work. Here’s how: Simply design a system that rotates shifts so everyone gets a turn for weekend days off; then tell those seeking religious accommodations it’s up to them to arrange shift swaps …

SEC reporting rule causes cutback in executive perks


Don’t want to disclose more information about your executives’ compensation and benefits packages? Scale them back. That’s what more organizations are doing since the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in late 2006 required public companies to start reporting perks valued at $10,000 …

Making spirits bright: 10 holiday perks to ease employee stress


The holiday season can be an exceptionally stressful and busy time for your employees. And of course, frazzled, frantic and depressed doesn’t equal high productivity. Try these timesaving, stress-relieving perks to ease employees’ minds and their calendars—and improve retention.

Can we dock sick time for exempt employees?

Q. Will I risk losing an employee’s exempt status if I deduct from his or her wages for full-day absences of one or more days?

12 small holiday timesavers can reduce employee stress


Your organization can help ease employee stress this holiday season by adding a few low-cost timesavers to your holiday bonus package. Small holiday kindnesses on the part of the boss can pay off in a big way for the organization all year. Here are a dozen ways your organization can help holiday-harried employees stay productive at work …