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Compensation & Benefits

Dust off your benefits policies: More mandates may be on the way


The federal government has slowly been introducing laws that force employers across the country to provide employee benefits: for example, the FMLA, USERRA and the ADA. Now Congress is considering several legislative initiatives that would require employers to provide additional benefits.

Study shows employers cutting 401(k) matches


According to a survey by accounting firm Grant Thornton, 29% of companies have reduced or intend to otherwise modify their contributions to employees’ 401(k) accounts. Of those employers, two-thirds have eliminated matching contributions altogether.

NYC car washers clean up with $4.7 million in OT settlements


The parent corporation of several New York City area car washes has agreed to settle overtime claims from 1,187 current and former employees for $3.4 million. Coupled with a previous settlement with 200 workers for more than $1.3 million, Lage Management has paid out more than $4.7 million in back pay and liquidated damages.

Hiring independent contractor? Be prepared to document that he’s not an employee


A recent federal court decision means you’ll now have to go the extra mile to prove that your worker is an independent contractor, not an employee. Advice: Take steps to document exactly why you believe someone is an independent contractor when you begin using his or her services.

HR & the recession: 7 trends, 7 solutions


If you read only headlines, you may think U.S. employers are slashing employee benefits to the bone. Not so. But the weak economy is forcing organizations and their employees to make some tough choices, particularly in compensation and benefits. Here are seven key HR trends to look for, plus tips on how to respond.

Unemployment denied—even if misconduct wasn’t intentional


Employees sometimes don’t do what they are told to do because they don’t think the task is possible or is too hard. If you fire such an employee for breaking a company rule—“Do what your boss tells you to do!”—you might be able to defeat the employee’s unemployment compensation claim.

How does the FLSA treat bonuses & overtime?


Q. How do bonuses affect the overtime rate calculation under the Fair Labor Standards Act?

Health care: Start preparing now for new mental health parity rules


The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 takes effect beginning Oct. 3, ushering in a new era of health insurance coverage—and potentially higher costs for employers. Is your mental health coverage on a par with your coverage for physical conditions? Now’s the time to begin working with your carrier or broker to integrate your plan coverage.

Lilly and Carlos: Questions and answers on the Ledbetter Act’s unintended consequences


The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was designed to ensure pay equity for women. It does a whole lot more than that! Learn how this landmark legislation affects all protected employee classes and could influence your employee benefits program.

Report blasts Austin’s construction safety record


According to a critical report surveying the construction industry, 20% of Austin-area construction workers last year reported on-the-job injuries that required a trip to the doctor, and 20% of those employees said employers refused to pay their medical bills.