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Compensation & Benefits

Family ties: Discrimination trend … and trap!


Discrimination against employees because of their family caregiving duties has become a hotbed for litigation against employers, and every indication is that this trend will continue. So it’s critical for employers to recognize the potential for liability and take necessary steps to avoid being the next defendant. Here’s how.

New House bill: 5 paid sick days to workers sent home for H1N1


Congress is considering emergency legislation that would guarantee five paid sick days for workers directed to stay home by their employer for a contagious illness, such as the H1N1 flu virus. Although passage is far from certain, the Emergency Influenza Containment Act is a bill worth monitoring.

The New York State Labor law amendments you need to know


Despite a summer of political circus distractions in Albany, the New York Legislature continued to crank out laws that further regulate New York employers. Here are some recent changes to New York State laws that you need to take into consideration.

Offering extra leave beyond FMLA? You don’t have to extend job return rights


Employees who take FMLA leave are entitled to be reinstated to their jobs if they return to work when their 12 weeks off expire. But many employers provide additional time off. But if employers grant that additional leave, they don’t have to reinstate the employee to the same or an equivalent position when she returns.

Don’t automatically grant FMLA leave for stress


Employees often claim their jobs stress them out. And for some, it’s so bad they feel they need to take off work for a week or so to cope. That doesn’t mean, however, that they’re automatically entitled to use FMLA leave.

Beware RIFing worker who’s out on FMLA leave


Employees returning from FMLA leave are entitled to reinstatement to their former jobs or equivalent positions. However, an employer can terminate an employee while she’s out on FMLA leave if it can show it would have done so anyway even if the employee hadn’t taken FMLA leave. But be careful …

New law: N.Y. employers must spell out pay for new hires


An amendment to Section 195(1) of the New York Labor Law now requires New York employers to give new employees written notification of their regular and overtime rates of pay and their regular payday.

Be ready to explain male/female pay disparity—dating back to the time salaries began to diverge


Since Congress passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, employers have again been in the position of having to defend paying men and women differently—and sometimes that means going back many years, to the time when pay scales began to diverge. If you can’t show a court that the decision you made years ago was legal under the Equal Pay Act, the employee may win.

What wage-and-hour records must we track?


Q. What are my responsibilities as an employer for maintaining employees’ wage records?

Cincinnati, Columbus shine on working mothers list


Ohio fared well in a recent Forbes magazine ranking of how hospitable the nation’s 50 largest cities are to working moms. Cincinnati ranked the nation’s sixth-best metro area for working mothers, while Columbus came in 13th.