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Compensation & Benefits

Denying FMLA leave: What’s a ‘key’ employee?


Q. When can we deny an employee FMLA leave because of hardship? We have only two nurses, and one is going out on FMLA leave so the other must be present.

Intermittent leave no excuse for shoddy work


When an employee is out on FMLA leave, employers have to be careful about balancing their need for full staffing so they can get the work done and the worker’s right to take leave. If missed work poses a problem, the best approach is to focus on specific work deficiencies that aren’t related to FMLA-protected absences.

Don’t promise leave if worker isn’t actually eligible


Employers that promise leave to employees who aren’t really entitled to it may be liable under state law if the employee relies on that promise to her detriment.

8 ways to cut costs with strategic work/life & flex benefits


Although businesses typically view flextime, compressed workweeks and part-time schedules as recruitment and retention strategies, just 6% of employers have ditched those practices, even as they cut staffs. Here are eight ways your organization can make strategic use of work/life benefits to cut costs, save jobs and pump up employee morale during the recession.

Women are keeping jobs, but still losing on pay and benefits


If the Great Recession has an upside, it’s that women have experienced far less job loss than in previous downturns. Yet dark clouds could obscure the silver lining. According to a new report, women still earn just 77 cents on the dollar compared to men, and their jobs often come with paltry benefits.

Inconvenient work schedule no reason to quit and collect


Employees who quit aren’t generally entitled to unemployment compensation. However, there’s an exception for employees who quit “because of a good reason caused by the employer”—if the employees first give employers a chance to correct the problem. One reason that’s not good enough: a schedule change.

Court says delayed commissions can reduce unemployment comp


A Minnesota court of appeals has ruled that ex-employees who are collecting unemployment can have their benefits reduced if they are due to receive commissions from their former employers.

Must we provide extended leave for employee to care for son wounded in the line of duty?


Q. One of our employees has requested medical leave to care for her 35-year-old son who was injured in combat duty. The employee indicated that she will probably need more than 12 weeks of leave. Do we have to give her more than 12 weeks of leave?

Beware employee costs that bring wages below minimum


Beware breaking wage-and-hour laws if you employ drivers who cover expenses for the vehicles they use to make deliveries. If your hourly rate minus those expenses yields a figure lower than the minimum wage, you may be violating the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The HR I.Q. Test: November ’09


Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …