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Compensation & Benefits

Must we track hours for exempt salespeople?


Q. We have salespeople who work on a straight commission basis. Do we need to track their hours?

Small employers: New rules on pension deposits


Employers with pension and welfare benefit plans with fewer than 100 participants must deposit participant contributions within seven days of receiving them. The U.S. Department of Labor issued the new rule in January.

Obama’s last-ditch health care reform proposal would affect HR


Ahead of this week’s summit between the White House and Congressional Republicans and Democrats, President Obama has released his last-gasp proposal for reforming the nation’s health care system. Several elements of the new plan could affect HR—if the proposal ever becomes law.

Form a benefits users group to help make better decisions


Balancing the annual benefits budget is one of your most important tasks. Why go it alone? Get employees involved in the process of deciding which benefits to keep and which to ditch. Your best bet for engaging employees: Convene a team of workers to serve as a benefits users group. They can serve as a sounding board for employee concerns, and help you make benefits choices that will be widely accepted by other employees.

Home remodeling firm redesigns its benefits


In the midst of the economic meltdown, the 30 employees of Legacy Design Build Remodeling in Scottsdale, Ariz., got their profit-sharing checks as scheduled at December’s holiday party. The bosses had sent a memo to employees before Thanksgiving with the news that the checks might not come this year. So the Christmas gift was a surprise.

Leave exhausted? Set strict standards for further absences


Employers know they may have to accommodate disabled employees by granting additional time off. But what about employees who, although they aren’t disabled, still claim run-of-the-mill illnesses prevent them from working? You can and should set strict standards for further leave.

How to apply FLSA’s administrative exemption


Employers that want to avoid paying overtime to white-collar workers often invoke the Fair Labor Standards Act’s administrative exemption. For the administrative exemption to be legitimate, all of the following must be true:

Don’t try to avoid OT pay by misclassifying technicians as exempt professionals


If you classify some employees as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act’s professional exemption, make sure their jobs truly meet the criteria. Otherwise, you risk a potential wage-and-hour lawsuit for unpaid overtime.

Employees must be free to do as they wish during rest periods, meal breaks


Under California’s wage-and-hour laws, employees must be completely relieved of their duties during rest periods and meal breaks. Employers can’t count downtime during work hours as rest and meal time.

$2.6 million lawsuit could clean out L.A. car wash


As part of a wider crackdown on companies that violate worker protection laws, California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. filed a lawsuit alleging that a Los Angeles car wash, Auto Spa Express, failed to pay minimum wage and overtime to its employees and denied them workers’ compensation benefits.