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Compensation & Benefits

Offer ‘something extra’ for age claims waiver


If you offer severance pay to discharged workers, take note. If you’re terminating an older employee—and you ask the employee to waive the right to sue for alleged age discrimination in exchange for your severance package—be sure to offer something more than what you offer others who lose their jobs.

Magazine: Cary’s SAS is best place to work in U.S.


Fortune magazine has rated Cary-based software design firm SAS the nation’s best employer. SAS shot up from 20th place on last year’s version of the annual “100 Best Companies to Work For” list. What makes SAS such a good employer?

Understand North Carolina’s workers’ comp notice requirements


To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act requires employees to notify their employers if they are injured at work. North Carolina courts have spelled out why this requirement is important:

Are unemployment benefits taxable?


Q. We have several employees that have been laid off and are receiving unemployment benefits. They have asked whether they are required to pay taxes on their unemployment benefits.

New contract: Pay up, insurance costs down for AT&T employees


The Communication Workers of America union has inked a new collective-bargaining agreement with AT&T, bringing 9% pay increases over three years to some 35,000 phone company employees in the Southeast.

What to do about late time sheets?


Q. One of our field technicians is consistently late in providing her time sheets. This interferes with promptly billing our customers for work performed. Can we delay paying this employee as an incentive to submit her time sheets on time?

Can we put attendance conditions on whether we will pay for paid holidays?


Q. Our production manager heard that employers don’t have to pay holiday pay if an employee is absent the workday immediately before or after the paid holiday. Is this true?

Hiring work-release prisoners? Some aren’t covered by FLSA’s pay, overtime rules


If you’re considering hiring inmates through a work-release program, carefully weigh whether you will have to pay them as regular employees under the FLSA, or whether you may be able to pay them less. According to a recent 5th Circuit decision, prisoners specifically sentenced to hard labor may not be covered by the FLSA. Their employers may pay them less than minimum wage, and they’re not eligible for overtime pay.

Must we pay for unauthorized overtime?


Q. Without authorization, one of our employees worked extra hours this week, even though we told everyone they needed approval to work overtime. Are we required to pay overtime for the unauthorized hours?

The HR I.Q. Test: February ’10


Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …