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Compensation & Benefits

Check your FMLA policy: Does it comply with new leave expansions?

Congressional actions often grab the headlines, but recent executive branch moves have subtly expanded those who qualify for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Make it a point to regularly review your FMLA policy to ensure it is up-to-date and complies with the latest laws, court decisions and Department of Labor regulations and interpretations.

N.Y. offers tools for Wage Theft Prevention Act compliance

The New York State Department of Labor has issued notification templates New York employers can use to comply with the state’s new Wage Theft Prevention Act. The law, which went into effect April 9, requires employers to provide every employee with a statement detailing the following information:

Mexican food: Sure it’s nice, but is it art?

The owners of a restaurant, apparently attempting to capitalize on the growing popularity of cooking as art, have lost their argument that a cook is exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The gender pay gap: 10 worst industries for women

A new study by online content provider 24/7 Wall Street says the insurance/financial sector shows the biggest disparity in weekly earnings among males ($1,324 average) versus females ($872). The other industries showing the biggest pay gaps are:

Dallas company stiffed workers, now will pay back overtime

A staffing company that provides workers for major hotels in the Dallas-Fort Worth area has agreed to pay more than $242,000 to employees after a U.S. Department of Labor investigation uncovered Fair Labor Standards Act violations.

4 ways to make telework work

More than 33 million Americans now work remotely at least one day per month, according to the nonprofit WorldatWork. Here’s how work-from-home arrangements operate in organizations nationwide, according to a recent survey. Plus, learn what managers must do to make the most of their teleworking staff members.

Withholding taxes from arbitration award lands employer in court

A federal trial court has directed an employer that appropriately withheld payroll taxes from an arbitration award to pay back the amount withheld to the employee. An employer must obey an arbitration award to the letter, the court ruled.

Electronic pay: There’s an app for that

Is your direct deposit or paycard campaign a little long in the tooth? Now may be the best time to update it to encompass new communications media, such as smartphone apps. Leverage the technology for smartphone banking apps to sell direct deposit or payments via payroll debit paycards. You can go one step further and pair electronic pay with paperless deposit statements.

Is it legal to offer comp time?

Q. Some of our full-time, salaried employees have to put in a lot of extra time for off-hours meetings and additional workload responsibilities. Is it legal to give these employees extra time off from work?

If employee voluntarily quits, must nonprofit employers offer COBRA coverage?

Q. We’re a nonprofit organization and offer health insurance to our 100+ employees. If an employee is enrolled in the health plan and voluntarily resigns, are we required to offer COBRA? Or does our nonprofit status let us off the hook?