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Try these 10 creative alternatives to handing out pink slips


Laying off workers can strain more than the employees who lose their jobs and the managers who have to deliver the bad news. Before your organization starts handing out pink slips, consider some alternatives that have worked for employers during past economic slumps …

Online financial advice firm allows unlimited time off

Executives at Alexandria, Va.-based The Motley Fool expect the web-based financial advising firm’s 180 employees to get their work done. Once they do, they can take as much time off as they want—with pay …

The Healthy Families Act: What it will mean for Ohio employers

As many of our readers are aware, November’s ballot will probably contain a referendum asking Ohio voters to approve the Ohio Healthy Families Act. The proposed legislation would require Ohio employers to provide seven days of paid sick leave annually for most employees. Employers had better be forewarned and forearmed in the event the proposal becomes law …

Attendance policies: Control absenteeism without breaking the law


For most employees, regular attendance is a key job function. But while you are free to set and enforce attendance rules, you must also comply with key federal laws, including the FMLA and the ADA.


Can we switch a salaried employee to hourly to deal with pregnancy-related absences?


Q. Our office manager, who is pregnant, has begun coming in late two or three times a week due to morning sickness. Because she is a salaried employee, we know that we cannot deduct from her wages for partial-day absences. Can we change her position to one that is paid on an hourly basis until she returns from her maternity leave? …

Use patience when disciplining employee who requested FMLA leave

Some employees who are having performance problems think taking FMLA leave will stop any pending disciplinary action. But an employer doesn’t need to hesitate to discipline if it can show that the employee really does deserve the discipline. But don’t jump the gun …

Can FMLA leave run concurrent with workers’ comp?

Q. May I treat as being on FMLA leave an employee who is absent with an injury covered by workers’ compensation? …

Job bias against women who’ve had abortions is illegal


By now you know that employers can’t fire or otherwise punish employees because they’re pregnant. But what about employees who choose to have an abortion? Make sure your supervisors know it’s illegal to discriminate against them, too.

FMLA leave-Takers aren’t untouchable, but courts will look closely at timing

Employers that come down hard on employees who have just requested FMLA leave are looking for trouble—especially if the employee was performing well until recently. The timing will look suspicious …

Refusing reinstatement after FMLA? Get your story straight

Employees who take FMLA leave are entitled to return to their same jobs (or substantially equal ones) after leave ends. But what happens if employees can’t return to their same jobs because they aren’t completely well or able to do the same duties they did before?