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Medicare at age 60 would provide coverage to millions of employees

As many as 11.7 million employees who currently have employer-sponsored health insurance would be covered by Medicare if eligibility for the program began at age 60 instead of 65, according to an analysis by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation.

Snapshot: Most working-age Americans have health insurance through work

Participation in employer-sponsored health benefits varies slightly by age.

Employers want government to help control health costs

Top executives at nearly 90% of large employers surveyed believe the cost of providing health benefits to employees will become unsustainable in the next five to 10 years, and 85% expect the government to intervene to provide coverage and contain costs, according to a new survey.

Ongoing telework brings legal complexities

Remote work is likely to continue long after the coronavirus crisis subsides. As you contemplate what post-pandemic work will look like, it’s important to recognize the complications inherent to permanent telework arrangements. Factor them into your decision making when setting new policies on remote work and hiring.

Efforts to promote DEI in benefits expected to surge

The number of employers that will promote diversity, equity and inclusion in their benefit programs is expected to jump sharply over the next three years, according to a new survey by Willis Towers Watson.

Highest health costs paid by mid-sized employers

Mid-sized employers paid higher per-employee health care costs in 2020 than either small or large employers, according to the Mercer consulting firm’s latest National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans.

Snapshot: Which wellness benefits are employers investing in?

During the pandemic, twin trends—mental health and telemedicine—have dominated employers’ wellness initiatives.

HR reacts to mental health/well-being crisis

The past year was one of trauma for your employees. And as home life merged with work life for many people, that pulled mental health into a front-burner workplace issue. Amid the crisis, many proactive organizations stepped up to the challenge.

Employers interested in ‘virtual-directed’ health plans

In a post-pandemic world, more U.S. employers are looking to add virtual care and mental health benefits, according to a new report by the Aon consulting firm.

ARPA effect: Defections from your health plan?

More Americans could qualify to buy health insurance from the Affordable Care Act’s state health insurance exchanges, thanks to a provision tucked into the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. As a result, millions of workers could start shopping for coverage in the individual marketplace.