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Immortal words of Imus end state employee’s career


A 60-year-old administrator in the state treasurer’s office was urged into retirement after she called a fellow worker a “nappy-headed ho” one week after radio personality Don Imus made the phrase famous …

Echoes of Virginia Tech: ‘Copycat comments’ lead to firings around U.S.


“If I get one more write-up, if you think they had a problem in Virginia, it’ll be worse here.” That comment by  a Suffolk County (NY) Community College employee led to his arrest. At SeaWorld in Florida, a “joke” about the Virginia Tech shootings earned an employee the same fate. Here’s how to handle such comments in your organization. Plus, learn the 8 warning signs of violent worker behavior. 

Aliens and postmarked babies shoot down manager’s case


The manager of a Dave & Buster’s Restaurant in Cincinnati lost his age-discrimination claim because the case was ruled primarily circumstantial by a U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio …

You can include FMLA waiver in severance agreement


Until recently, it was unclear whether Pennsylvania employers could require employees to give up the right to sue for FMLA violations in exchange for severance payments. That was because the FMLA explicitly says employees can’t waive their FMLA rights as a condition of employment

FMLA time used up? Consider ADA before firing


Q. An employee already took his 12 weeks of FMLA leave, but his doctors say he needs three to six weeks more. I want to terminate him because he isn’t ready to return. What’s the best way to go about it?—B.H., Florida

Probation protects in case of bad background checks


One good reason to have new employees serve a probationary period is that it gives you more time to check their backgrounds and find out whether they were forthcoming on their applications …

Going over supervisor’s head may be a protected activity


Organizations are entitled to their employee’s loyalty, but that doesn’t mean employees have to remain silent about alleged discrimination. Although it may seem disloyal, approaching a customer about a workplace problem may be a protected activity under some circumstances

Work to accommodate disability, but know when to fold


Disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations for their disabilities in order to perform the essential functions of their jobs. But that doesn’t mean employers have to create a whole new job within the disabled employee’s capacities. All the ADA requires is an honest attempt to find solutions

Court Extends Whistle-Blower Protection in Law School Case


The director of public relations for Ave Maria College in Ypsilanti may proceed with her whistle-blower lawsuit after an appellate court ruled that the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) counts as a public body …

Jury delivers $2.1 million verdict to UPS


UPS survived a race discrimination lawsuit only to be hit with a $2.1 million verdict for retaliation against a Detroit-area national account manager …