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When employee keeps our property, can we deduct from the last paycheck?


Q. If an employee quits or is terminated and refuses to return employer property—such as a pager or a cell phone—can the employer deduct the value of the property from the employee’s final paycheck? …

Beware lawsuit if re-Org adversely affects older workers


If your organization is planning an extensive reorganization or creating an entirely new subsidiary, take care to consider the impact on older workers. If, in the process of leaving one company entity or subsidiary and going to another, older workers lose substantial benefits they used to enjoy, you may be courting an Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) lawsuit …

Selfridge ANGB chief claims whistle-Blower protection


The former chief of operations at Selfridge Air National Guard Base claims his position was eliminated in retaliation for his whistle-blower activities. Part of the chief’s job was supervising private contractors and construction companies working on government contracts. The chief claims he continually brought evidence of building code violations, fraud and abuse to the attention of his supervisors—who ignored him …

City saves pension costs, loses $1.9 million lawsuit


When the city of Ecorse hired a long-time city policeman to be chief of police, it seemed like a sound move. But problems began when the mayor terminated him because he was too old …

When identifying sexual harassment, totality of circumstances tells the tale


California employees have a right to a work environment free of sexual harassment, and employers are obligated to prevent harassment. But that doesn’t mean that every comment, gesture or look that may be perceived as sexual can be considered harassment …

What to do if an older worker’s performance is slipping?


A participant in the Forum section of our HR Weekly e-letter posed this question: “One of our employees is nearing 80 and his performance is slipping badly. Is there an alternative to harsh evaluations and termination? We’d like him to depart with dignity.” Here’s how some HR professionals replied …

The dreaded reference check: What to say about former employees?


Q. What may an employer say about why an employee left or was fired? …

How to provide religious accommodations in NC workplaces


North Carolina mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, mosques occupy old churches, co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes, and some employees request “prayer breaks.” Religious diversity is a reason for celebration, but it also presents challenges in the workplace …

How soon must NC employers pay final checks?


Q. We have an employee whom we fired on a Monday and we paid him his final check on the next regular payday (the following Friday). He said we legally had to issue his final check within 48 hours of the firing. Is that true?—M.D. …

This cup’s for you: The right way to test for drugs


With an increasing number of employees just saying “yes” to drugs these days, you can expect more Indiana companies to develop random drug-testing programs and establish rules that allow them to fire workers who test positive or don’t cooperate with the test. One note of caution: Make sure you can demonstrate that your drug test results are accurate and reliable …