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Discrimination claims harder for employees to make if bias is ancient history

Just because an employee experienced unfair treatment years ago doesn’t mean you have to ignore recent poor performance. You can discipline the employee as long as the charges are fair, accurate and unbiased now …

Raleigh’s Golden Corral faces sexual harassment suit

Four former employees are suing Raleigh-based Golden Corral Corporation for sexual harassment they say they endured while working in a restaurant in Port Richey, Fla. The plaintiffs, two men and two women, claim they were repeatedly sexually harassed by three male workers, including an associate manager …

Responding to employee rants: 4 do’s and don’ts

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FMLA compliance doesn’t rule out enforcing attendance policy

We all know that people do get sick and miss work due to chronic conditions, accidents and serious illnesses. That doesn’t mean you cannot insist on good attendance. As you enforce your attendance policy, however, make sure you don’t count in any negative way absences covered by the FMLA …

Is that a ‘Protected activity’—Or insubordination?

Employees know that their employers can’t retaliate against them for filing EEOC complaints, complaining about discrimination or engaging in otherwise protected activity. However, it doesn’t follow that employees are free to taunt their supervisors by pulling the protected-activity card …

Strickland seeks to downsize by offering early retirement


Gov. Ted Strickland has directed state agencies to draft proposals for offering early retirement incentives to trim their staffs and save money. Spokesman Keith Dailey said Strickland is concerned about the possibility of a recession and its potential impact on the state budget …

Financial reasons behind layoff? Make certain you can prove it


When economic downturns lead to layoffs, companies can expect former employees to be bitter—and maybe even angry enough to look for reasons to sue. Before you announce layoffs, document the internal business evaluations that led to the terminations. That way, you will be ready if a lawsuit seemingly comes out of nowhere …

When transition looms, note employee interest in staying on


In uncertain economic times, employers sometimes have to cut staff and redraw org charts to stay competitive. Employees often know far in advance that change is coming—and that they may lose their jobs. And some already may be looking for ways to “get back” at their companies via lawsuits …

Discrimination costs grocery chain $40,000

Eugene Gates Jr. had worked as a meat slicer in a Charlotte grocery store for nearly 40 years when it was purchased by Compare Foods, of Freeport, N.Y. Shortly after the buyout, the company cut his hours in half and gave his shifts to a young Hispanic worker, telling Gates the company needed someone who could better relate to the store’s customers …

Recouping training costs when workers leave

Q. It costs a lot to train new employees, so naturally we are upset when those employees leave. They benefit from the training, and we are out the cost. Can we recover training costs if an employee leaves? …