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Don’t let flawed noncompete agreement break the bank

Lots of employers use noncompete agreements to protect against unfair competition from former employees. But a poorly drafted noncompete agreement—e.g., one you obtained from a form book or the Internet—may create serious legal pitfalls …

Reorganizing? Make sure open positions are available to all

During a reorganization, lost jobs can mean unhappy former employees looking for reasons to sue. They may suspect the changes were merely a smokescreen to cover illegal discrimination. The best way to prevent a lawsuit is to open up to those who are slated for termination any new positions you may be creating. Encourage all to apply …

Double dipping? Severance payments and unemployment compensation

Q. May a terminated employee receiving payments under a severance agreement also receive unemployment benefits? …

Employees can sign away past FMLA violations in Pennsylvania

The U.S. Labor Department has announced it plans to update FMLA regulations. The proposed regulations make it clear that employees will be able to settle past FMLA violation claims. Now a recent case spells out under what circumstances a release will be contractually and legally binding …

Include staff self-Assessment in evaluation process

When an employee sues for an alleged discriminatory firing, the court will want to see the employee’s evaluation. A sterling evaluation and high praise quickly cast doubt on a termination supposedly based on poor performance. How, then, can you encourage honest evaluations? Have employees identify their own weaknesses and address those in their performance evaluations …

Contract disclaimers in handbooks preserve at-Will status

While employee handbooks are essential, be careful. If they are worded improperly, they can tie employers’ hands—and may even create employment contracts that remove the at-will status that allow employees to be terminated for any legal reason …

Involved in pre-Termination hearing? Follow the rules

Here’s a worry for public employees who find themselves assigned to participate in pre-termination hearings: If you don’t follow the hearing rules, you just might lose the qualified immunity you ordinarily have for employment decisions—and wind up being sued personally …

Asking to get fired in order to receive unemployment comp benefits

Q. An employee just told me he wants to resign, but he asked to be fired instead of resigning. He said it had to do with unemployment benefits. What is the significance? …

Will a disclaimer protect us from all claims related to our handbook?

Q. Our handbook has a bold and conspicuous disclaimer stating that everyone is an at-will employee and that nothing in the handbook alters the at-will relationship. Is that sufficient to protect the company from claims based on the handbook? …

What’s the law on demanding a nonsmoking work force?

Q. The media often have stories about companies that adopt a “no-smoker” policy in order to save on health insurance costs, and force their staffs to quit smoking to keep their jobs. Can my Colorado company do this? …